Beauty Tempts the Beast (Sins for All Seasons #6) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,126

for them to ever separate. “Thea, if he had another son, I’d find a way to pass off this obligation that’s been thrust on me. But when I think of what they went through, especially my mother, when I see how much they love me, even though I wasn’t part of their lives all these years—their pride, their joy—I can’t not be the son they’d hoped I’d be.”

Of course he’d be a loyal son who’d make them proud because that was the sort of man he was. It was one of the reasons she loved him so much. “I know.”

“They’re hosting a ball next week in order to introduce their son around.” Reaching into his jacket, he walked up to her and held out the vellum. “I would like for you to attend.”

“It’ll ruin things for them, for you.”

“I think you’re wrong.” He tossed it onto the low table in front of the sofa. “I’ll leave it in case you change your mind.”

“I won’t. Please don’t hope that I will. You’ll only be disappointed.”

“I’d rather risk disappointment than take no risk at all.”

With that, the Earl of Tewksbury strode out of the room, leaving her wishing that he’d at least kissed her before he left.

“You have a visitor in the parlor.”

Althea gave a start at Jewel’s voice coming to her unexpectedly. She’d been reading the invitation Benedict had left with her five days earlier, not the first time she’d done so, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. Every time she did, she envisioned him taking her in his arms and sweeping her over the dance floor. It was a beautiful dream, one that also visited when she slept. Except then, when they circled the room, as they passed by, people gave them their backs. She would awaken in a sweat, heart thundering, guilt gnawing at her because she brought him such shame.

“Is it him?” Had he come to ask her again?

“It’s a woman. Says she’s the Duchess of Glasford.”

His mother. Why would she come here? She shot to her feet, patted her hair.

“Do I look all right?” She shook her head before Jewel could answer. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.” What did she care what the duchess thought of her?

She dashed down the stairs and into the parlor, stumbling to a stop at the sight of the woman in the wheelchair. She needed to talk to Jewel about communicating more information so she wasn’t taken by surprise. Hell, she needed to have a word with Benedict. Why hadn’t he mentioned his mother’s situation? She curtsied. “Your Grace.”

“Miss Stanwick?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

The woman tilted her head up to the man standing beside her. “John, please wait in the foyer until I’m ready to depart.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

The man walked out, a servant, no doubt, who saw to her needs.

“I’ll see about having some tea brought in,” Althea said. She should have thought to tell Jewel to fetch it.

“Don’t go to the trouble. I won’t be staying that long.” The woman contained a calmness, a gentleness, that seemed too soft for this world. She tilted her head toward the sofa. “Please, sit.”

When a duchess asked, you did it, even when you didn’t want to. Althea sat. “How may I be of service, Duchess?”

“You may come to our ball tomorrow evening.”

Her stomach dropped to her toes; her fingers knotted in her lap. “I’m not sure how much you know about my relationship with Benedict—”

“Oh, I suspect I know nearly everything, Miss Stanwick. Our son spoke about you with a great deal of fondness while we were in Scotland.”

“Then you know my father is a traitor.” She was expecting her not to know, to see shock make its way over her face.

“I do, yes. He was involved in a plot to see the Queen murdered as I’m given to understand.”

Her fingers were going numb. “As a result, you know I am not welcomed in Society. If I attend, it will be quite awkward, not only for me but for you and, more important, for Benedict. I will receive cuts direct. People will turn their backs. They will whisper ugly things about me, my father, you, Benedict. They’ll wonder why you invited the daughter of a man who was hanged for being a traitor, a man whose children were denied their birthright. Your standing could suffer. It won’t at all assist Benedict in finding a proper wife, one who will be proud to be at his side, who will love him. I’ve tried to explain all Copyright 2016 - 2024