Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,35

the relationship we both deserve. Even worse is knowing that I put her there.”

The chair Magnum is seated on creaks. “You know you can tell me shit, right? We came into the Crew at the same time, that makes us brothers. I mean this respectfully, but I don’t give a shit if you’re K’s son, I support you. You don’t have to isolate yourself on the way to the top.”

I hold my breath, waiting for Johnny’s reaction as my mind swims. If Johnny and Mag joined the Crew at the same time, how come they’re not closer than they are? They took two different ways, but even so, Magnum’s right. They should be more like brothers.

“It’s hard to put into words,” Johnny says, frustration lacing his voice. “Dad thinks all the Marx’s need are each other.”

“But then he hits you.”

“Don’t fucking say it out loud,” Johnny seethes.

“She’s not dumb,” Mag says, voice lowering. “I noticed her expression when she saw you on the video.”

“I’m not weak.”

“No one said you are. No one will fucking say you are.”

“I just have to do better,” Johnny says, as if the bodyguard isn’t even responding to him. Magnum’s trying to pull him into a conversation, but it’s as if he’s only responding to himself.

Mag sighs. “I’m not sure doing better, in the way you’re proposing, will help Kyla.” The chair creaks again. “I’m only saying this because I know how you feel about her. Your dad’s not going to like it if she pulls you away from him. You’ve got to be smart about this. You’ve got—”

“I know,” Johnny growls.

Well, that’s my cue to act as if I’ve just woken up.

I sit up on the bed, the sheets pooling at my waist. Johnny looks over his shoulder at me, and the joy that surges couldn’t possibly be faked. I don’t care that he has a black eye his father gave him because he’s a soulless, unforgiving bastard. I don’t care that he’s attached to the system that took my parents. Because Johnny is Johnny, and despite all that shit, there’s a real man under his Crew armor.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.”

I hold my hand out, and he puts his in mine, squeezing my fingers carefully. “Are you kidding me? You should’ve woken me up as soon as you got here.”

Mag stands from the chair. He and I exchange a look over Johnny’s head, and all stealth-like, he winks at me while Johnny’s back is turned.

Johnny slips his hand from mine and turns to Mag. He holds his hand out, and they give each other a firm handshake. “Thanks again for watching her.”

“I meant what I said,” Mag says again, and they share a prolonged look. I hope it’s sinking into Johnny’s head that other people care for him, and not the kind of care his father gives him. I mean real caring. The kind that doesn’t come attached to thinly veiled brainwashing and abuse.

“Thanks, Mag. It means a lot to me that you stayed.”

“Whenever you need it,” Magnum says, Adam’s apple bobbing. He turns and leaves without giving me another look. The front door opens and closes, and with that, Johnny and I are alone after all these weeks.

I move to my knees and Johnny meets me, kneeling on the bed. “What’s this?” I ask, my fingers brushing against the dark coloring around his eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asks at the same time. His voice breaks, and my heart literally wrenches in half.

“I’m so much better now,” I tell him. “Magnum, Oscar, and Brawler have been taking good care of me, and I missed you and them, and now we’re all here.”

He cups my face, staring deep into my eyes. “You’re right where you should be.”

He has no idea.

“I’m going to kill those assholes. Gregory and his men are dead. They tried to take you from me. Twice.”

I tilt my head.

“The murder rap was a backup plan in case they couldn’t get to you.”

That makes a whole hell of a lot of sense. I briefly considered that it had to have been Gregory who set that one up, but it sounds as if Johnny’s confirmed it. What a bunch of dicks. They killed an innocent girl and then blamed it on me.

“We think what was left of Roza’s guys joined up with them.”

My heart sinks. Of course they did. Because that’s what happens when you’re getting your ass kicked. You team up with someone or something bigger to help retaliate. “They think if Copyright 2016 - 2024