Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,9


“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Mom greeted.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Hamilton purred playfully before bringing my mother’s hand up to his lips to place a lingering kiss on her skin. “You’re much prettier than my brother. How’d he snag you?”

She blushed. “I had no idea your brother was so charming, Joseph,” she said to her husband. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her comment. I had the feeling Hamilton was the sort of man to make women fall to their knees in front of him.

“I was going to head back to my house, but I left my wallet inside. Since everyone is up, should I go get some champagne for mimosas?” He then snapped his fingers. “Ah. I forgot. You’re expecting, yes?”

Did everyone know but me? Or was Hamilton making an educated guess?

“Yes. I’m twelve weeks as of yesterday,” Mom rushed out proudly.

Twelve weeks? Twelve fucking weeks? How did she keep this a secret from me for so long? I looked over her body once more. She was so thin.

“Congratulations,” Hamilton said with a smile before turning his attention back to me.

“Will you be staying here while the happy couple are honeymooning in Paris?” he asked me while running a hand over his thin white Hanes undershirt. His dark hair was a mess on top of his head, the glossy strands curled in waves. I guess that’s what happens when you spend all night fucking anything that moves.

“She’s staying here for a week, then she’s moving into her new apartment. It’s completely furnished. You’ll just need your personal effects. I’m so sorry we won’t be there to move you in, dear,” Joseph answered.

That intense warning in my gut returned. I’d worked hard to go to college. I graduated at the top of my class and signed up for every free extracurricular activity possible that would offer me a scholarship. Hell, I was president of the chess club. This whole ordeal felt cheapened by Joseph’s overbearing influence on my college experience.

Now it was ruined. Rushed. A narrative I hadn’t planned for.

“I don’t mind helping,” Hamilton offered.

“Don’t you have an oil rig to be on?” Joseph asked.

“I’m off for twenty-one days,” Hamilton replied. “I can stop by and get her moved in safe and sound.”

“I’d rather hire a moving company,” Joseph replied with a frown.

“You’d rather send your new stepdaughter off to her first apartment all alone while you’re parading across Paris? How very Jack Beauregard of you,” Hamilton said with a grin.

Mom looked completely crestfallen, as if it had just occurred to her that I would be taking on this new adventure alone.

“Maybe we should wait until we get back? Or cut our trip short. I don’t like the idea of her moving all alone. This feels a little sudden, yes?” she said, her head turned in Joseph’s direction and her index fingernail in her mouth. It was a nervous tic of hers.

“I’m sure Vera will be fine,” Joseph replied. “Won’t you, sweetheart?”

I didn’t want them to end their trip early, and I certainly didn’t want Mom to feel badly. “I’ll be fine,” I replied with a tight smile. “I’m happy for you.” The practiced words I’d been using on the journalists and anyone else that asked how I felt about this strange new marriage just fell from my lips. I hadn’t even realized I was saying them.

“Are you sure?”

“Yep. I want you to have fun. Don’t worry. We can meet up when you get back.”

Conquer. Adapt.

Hamilton tipped his head back and laughed before placing an arm around my shoulders. He smelled like scotch and sex. “Look at her! Already fitting in.”

Hamilton squeezed me in an awkward side hug. Joseph looked like he wanted to strangle his little brother.

“I’d say it was good to see you, but that would be a lie,” my stepfather snapped. It was the first time I’d heard him be so outwardly hostile. I didn’t get it.

“Sure thing, daddio.” Hamilton let go of me and made his way to the back door. It wasn’t until he disappeared inside that I let out the breath I was holding.

What did he mean? And why did I get the feeling that Joseph wanted me out of the picture?


My mother and Joseph had been in Paris one long week. I spent the majority of my time at the Beauregard home where Mom and Joseph were married, aside from a few trips to the local bookstore. It was a quiet, luxurious reprieve from the chaos of planning Copyright 2016 - 2024