Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,10

their wedding. I felt uncomfortable at first, staying alone in such a large home. Jack had been in DC for the last six days, lobbying for some bill that was intended to make rich men richer. Despite the distance, Jack dutifully checked in regularly, making sure I had enough food and knew where the car keys to his Aston Martin were, not that I’d ever drive it.

Jack would be home tomorrow, and he agreed to help me move into my new apartment since Mom and Joseph decided not to come home early to see me off. Mom was loving her luxurious tour of Paris. I couldn’t even blame her.

“Baby!” she exclaimed over FaceTime, her smile broad. Her calls felt like bittersweet fragments, hollow little reminders that everything had changed. I was sitting on the deck, soaking up some sun in my black bikini and drinking an iced lemonade. “Look! It’s the Eiffel Tower!” She turned the camera so I could see the iconic view. The tower was lit up with lights, looking majestic against the dark night sky. Mom was sitting on a balcony in a red dress, about to leave for dinner with Joseph. She looked elegant and polished up, like a pretty china doll.

Mom and I always spoke about traveling together and seeing the world. I was happy she was getting to do this with Joseph, but I selfishly envied him for getting this experience with her.

“It’s gorgeous, Mom. I’m glad you’re having fun.”

“Are you doing okay? How is everything there? You need anything?” she asked just as Joseph called her name. She twisted her head and held up a finger, wordlessly asking him to wait a moment. I didn’t mind ending the call early.

Conquer. Adapt.

“I’m fine, Mom. Go enjoy your dinner. I’m going to spend the rest of my day reading raunchy romances. Everything is perfect. It’s like I’m on vacation—promise. Once class starts, I won’t have time to read; I’ll be too busy studying all the time.”

“Okay, baby. I miss you!”

“I miss you too,” I replied. I really did miss her. There was still so much left unsaid. I felt unsure about moving into an apartment I hadn’t even seen before, and I wanted to know more about the baby. Did she know the gender yet? When was she due? Should I be planning a shower? Each question piled up like the contents of a forgotten junk drawer.

We waved goodbye, and the call ended. I leaned back in my lawn chair, soaking up the midday sun while pushing thoughts of change to the back of my mind. I’d endured upheaval these last few weeks. I just wanted a few moments of solitude and peace. It was nice to sit in the stillness. A slight breeze kissed my cheek as the warm sun danced across my flushed skin. I allowed myself to relax and quiet my mind.

“Enjoying yourself?” a nasally voice asked. I shot up and opened my eyes, twisting in my seat to see who was there. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” My eyes landed on a tall man with blond hair. He wore slacks with suspenders and had a leather messenger bag slung over his shoulder. “Are you Vera Garner?” he asked while taking a step closer. His lanky build somehow made him look more intimidating, like a scrappy street fighter. “Of course you’re Vera Garner. You look just like your mother. Beautiful. Delicate.”

“Who are you? Why are you on private property?” I asked, my voice a stammer.

“I just had a few questions. Nothing major,” he said before reaching into his pocket. I stood up. What the fuck was this guy doing? I managed a step back. “Whoa! No need to be scared.” When he smiled, it revealed bright yellow teeth. “I’m perfectly harmless. I just wanted to ask you a few things and get to know you for my exposé.”

I eyed the door, but he was blocking my path. “Are you paparazzi? How’d you get past the guard at the gate?”

He wrinkled his freckled nose. “I hate the term paparazzi. I prefer the term investigative journalist.” He revealed his phone and snapped a photo of me. What the fuck? I wrapped my arms around my body to block his view. I felt vulnerable and exposed under his harsh gaze. This was so fucking intrusive. Deciding it wasn’t safe to pass him and go to the door, I grabbed my phone.

“I’ll call the cops!” I shouted.

He waved his hand. “I’ll be gone before Copyright 2016 - 2024