Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,41

and down. “I don’t owe you an orgasm.”

“No,” Hamilton began while stalking over to me. His hands reached out to help me put the straps of my dress back in place. “I’m talking about your panties. A deal is a deal.”

I huffed. “I don’t remember agreeing to anything.”

“I think it’s fair compensation for a job well done. I’m about to be on a rig with fourteen other men for two weeks. It’s the least you can do.”

I rolled my eyes. Hamilton smirked. The room was dark, but a small light illuminated his hungry face. One impulse was all it took, and I was boldly reaching under the skirt of my dress and rolling the drenched panties down my still trembling thighs. “So obedient,” he teased when I slapped it in his palm. “Pleasure doing business with you, Vera.”

The pleasure was all mine.


As I walked back through the ballroom with my blushing skin and messy hair, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone guessed what we had done. I was still buzzing from the pleasure Hamilton coaxed from my body. Every step teased me. Every press of my legs together sent an aftershock of need through my body. “Stop fidgeting, you look suspicious,” Hamilton whispered with a satisfied grin. He looked way too proud of himself as he licked his lips and followed after me.

Many people were already sitting down, prepared to enjoy their overpriced meals as they gossiped. I’d completely lost my appetite.

“I am suspicious,” I hissed. “Stop following me.” I didn’t actually want Hamilton to stop following me. Aside from my mother, he was the only familiar face here. But it was for the best. We’d taken things too far. This was exactly the situation I was trying to avoid. If word got out that I was lusting after Joseph’s younger brother, it would be a media shit storm. It was taboo and wrong.

“Who else am I going to talk to? This party is stuffy. Want to leave? I’ve got a couple of steaks marinating at my house. I’ll even break the rules and give you a glass of wine. You really need a fake ID.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose and kept walking toward the buffet table. I needed a drink. I needed to go home and wash Hamilton off of my skin.

“You look hot all flustered like that,” Hamilton whispered. “It’s kind of cute how your cheeks turn red. Are you thinking about it, Vera? Are you thinking about how I still have your taste on my tongue?”

“Stop talking,” I pleaded. “It’s like you want to be caught.”

“What’s the worst that could happen? I mean honestly.”

“People could talk,” I forced out. “It could make my mother look bad.”

“I didn’t realize you cared what people thought about you. It’s a shame. Life is so much more fun when you let go of all the expectations the rest of the world puts on you.”

I stared at Hamilton, at his shiny lips, his wild eyes and his ruffled hair. “You don’t care what people think of you?”

“No. I care about having fun, feeling good, and doing whatever the fuck I want to do. Life is too short to live by someone else’s rules, Vera.”

“I feel like I’ve got a flashing neon sign over my head telling everyone what we just did,” I huffed out while fixing the strap of my dress.

“It’s kind of hot. Would you be into people watching us sometime?”

I blushed and avoided looking at him. “This was bad. Really bad.”

“I thought by the way you screamed my name, it was fucking good, Vera,” Hamilton replied in a low voice. “So fucking good that I’m going to be stroking myself to thoughts of you coming in my mouth. You’re so sweet.”

I let out a slow breath. “Why me? I’m sure you could have anyone.”

“Why are you so quick to doubt why someone would want you, hmm?” I thought about his question for a moment. Why was it so difficult for me to wrap my head around the idea of being wanted? Just before I could reply, my mother’s voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Vera, baby, where did you disappear to? You missed the toasts.”

I snapped my attention to my mother and let out a shaky exhale. “I was just taking a walk. I needed some fresh air. You know how crowds make me anxious,” I replied.

She peered at me, and Hamilton being the asshole he was, slung his arm over my shoulders. “Hello Copyright 2016 - 2024