Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,40

your knees and put my dick in that perfectly pouty mouth of yours, gorgeous.” His voice fractured as he pulled away. He ran his thumb along my bottom lip, his hooded eyes heavy with arousal. He then licked my neck. My chest. My nipples. My stomach.

Straightening, he pulled me over to the wall and pressed me against it. A loud thud filled the room from the impact of my body against the solid surface, followed by heavy breathing.

Looking like a god in his perfect suit, he dropped to his knees and gently lifted my leg, my foot still studded with my expensive stilettos. He eased my thigh onto his shoulder, then stared at the thin black thong I was wearing. “I have a thing for panties,” Hamilton said with a wicked grin. “I want you to come while wearing them, so then I can take home a little souvenir that smells like your needy cunt.”

I felt dumbfounded. Too stunned by lust and need to say anything. “Perv,” I finally groaned.

“You love it,” Hamilton said before leaning forward and inhaling me. Deeply inhaling. “Tell me I can have your panties when we’re done, Petal,” he whispered.

“You can have whatever you want. Just touch me, Hamilton,” I pleaded. But instead of teasing the bundle of nerves at my core, he simply breathed me in again. It was like he wanted to fill his lungs with my arousal. Then, without warning, his tongue landed on the drenched fabric, and he started tasting me. Pleasure bloomed from my core. It was raw and hard and nasty passion.

“So fucking good. Just like I imagined,” Hamilton murmured before pinching the thin fabric covering me and shoving it to the side. “Look at those glistening pussy lips. So hot. So pink. So needy for my tongue.”

“P-please,” I choked out.

“You want me to make you feel good, Petal?” he asked. “Tell me you want to be ruined, and I’ll let you cover my chin with your come.”

His words were too much. That was the root of it all, wasn’t it? “Ruin me, Hamilton.”

With a dark chuckle, he dove for my clit, wrapping his lips around it, and sucked. My trembling legs nearly collapsed beneath me, and he had to reach up with his free hand and press me against the wall at my stomach. I threaded my own hands through his dark, thick hair and tossed my head back as he alternated between sucking on my needy nub and circling his tongue around it.

I climbed that peak of pleasure. He ate me out like a starving man. It was everything I’d ever imagined and more. “Fuck, Hamilton,” I cried out as my body tensed from the impending orgasm. He swept his firm tongue over my clit one more time, and my entire body shook from the force of pleasure rocking through me. He rode each wave of my bliss with his mouth taking it in, smiling in triumph as I grinded against his face.

It was one of those rolling orgasms that never seemed to end. On and on. Time stopped. And little aftershocks rocked through me until I was spent. I probably would have collapsed if he wasn’t holding me up. “You’re a fucking dream, Petal. You have to be,” Hamilton murmured.

I calmed my breath. “I think you’re the only guy that can make me angry and horny at the same time. I thought I told you this couldn’t happen, hmm?” Hamilton eased my leg down and stood up, his filthy mouth still shiny from my pleasure.

“You did say you wanted to be ruined, Petal,” he whispered.

“Stop calling me that.”

A fresh wave of shame slammed into me. What the fuck was I doing? Was I seriously so starved for sex that I let him…

Oh fuck. This was bad. This was so bad. We shouldn’t be here. What if someone saw us walking together? I probably looked thoroughly fucked, and it was only a matter of time before someone noticed that Hamilton and I snuck away. “I’m so fucked. This was a bad idea.”

I shoved him to the side and went to grab my dress from the floor, trying to avoid looking at the impressive hard-on tenting the front of his dress pants. I didn’t owe him anything. This was a mistake. “Vera?” Hamilton called the moment I picked up the wrinkled fabric off the floor.

“What?” I snapped, suddenly feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, and just plain over all of this.

“You’re forgetting something.”

I stepped into my dress and looked him up Copyright 2016 - 2024