Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,38

lost in the mail again. First the wedding, now this?”

“I told Joseph to—”

“Save it. We both know I’m not welcome, but you can’t very well kick me out without making a scene, now can you,” Hamilton said, his voice dark. “You’re so transparent, Jack.”

“Don’t be silly, Hamilton. I’m happy you’re here. Hell, I invite you to dinner every single time you’re home. I’ve missed you. If your mother were here—”

“Don’t talk about my mother,” Hamilton snapped, his hand balled up in a fist at his side. “You don’t get to talk about her. I’m here for the open bar, the free dinner, and…” Hamilton paused to look at me. “The company. It was nice talking to you, Jack. Now run back to Joseph and focus on him. Like you always do. Like you prefer to do.”

Jack’s shoulders slumped, and for a brief moment, I almost felt bad for him. Jack stared at his son, the skin around his eyes bunched up in pain. He seemed genuinely upset that Hamilton was pushing him away. Jack might be overprotective of his family, but I sensed longing in him where Hamilton was concerned. I couldn’t tell if he wanted a relationship with his son or if he wanted him to get in line and obey the standards associated with the Beauregard name. Hamilton was rebellious and an outcast. He didn’t hide the fact that he wanted nothing to do with his family. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on what Jack wanted. My new grandfather was normally a proud man, but his spine was bent, like he was physically pained from Hamilton’s words.

“I love you, son,” Jack whispered before giving me a lingering look, his mouth hooked to the side, as if he didn’t know what more to say. “Let’s chat later, Vera.”

Hamilton huffed and wrapped his arm around me protectively. Jack eyed the possessive move, cocking his head to the side with scrutiny. “Bye,” Hamilton gritted.

I watched Jack’s back as he walked away, noting the defeated slump of his posture. Then, I slowly shrugged out of Hamilton’s grip—or at least, I tried to. He held me tight against his hard body, his lips hovering over my ear. “You blocked me, Petal,” he whispered. “I’ve been trying to text you all sorts of naughty things.”

“I told you to leave me alone,” I gritted before stomping on his foot. Hamilton let out a guttural groan the moment my stiletto jammed the top of his dress shoes. He let go of me to bite his fist, and I started walking away, grabbing a flute of champagne from a nearby tray as I went. It wasn’t long before Hamilton caught up to me, though. I felt his hungry presence at my back, like a wolf stalking his prey.

I didn’t turn around to greet him; instead, my eyes turned to the front of the room where Mom was standing with Joseph and greeting some of the guests. She’d given me a polite hello earlier, but the two of them were now too busy schmoozing other important people to really pay attention to me. Taking a sip of my drink, I watched them. Joseph had a bright smile. His chest was puffed out proudly as he shook a diplomat’s hand. Mom stood dutifully by his side, her hair tied up in an elegant updo and her gold evening gown brushing the ground. I eyed her stomach, thinking about the baby. Would I really know my younger sibling?

“Is that why you blocked me?” Hamilton asked. His presence at my back sent a shiver up my spine. “Are you trying to please your mom? I suppose I can understand that. If Joseph had his way, he’d send me to hell for half a chance at never seeing me again. Although, he’s had a room booked at the devil’s hotel since he was born.”

“What does it even matter?” I asked in a low voice while spinning on my heel to face him. “I said I was done. Why are you here?”

Hamilton grinned and grabbed a champagne flute. With his dark eyes on me, he downed it whole. Once his glass was empty, he slammed it down on a nearby table and wiped his plush lips with the back of his hand. “Free booze and a pretty girl.”

My brows raised. “That’s why you’re spending time with family you obviously hate?” I asked incredulously.

“Do I need more of a reason?” he asked before invading my personal space. Hamilton was constantly invading my Copyright 2016 - 2024