Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,37

blocking his number.

Me: Don’t text me again. This is done.


The opulent dining room Jack rented to host the celebration for Joseph was filled to the brim with power and influence. I’d seen some of these people at the wedding, but there were even more elbow-rubbing political influencers vying for Joseph’s attention. They had a few journalists scattered about, but I hadn’t seen Saint anywhere, thankfully.

An entire week had passed since my mother said those hurtful words. I spent most of the time in my apartment, moping and getting ready for school starting next week. I wasn’t sure if I didn’t want to leave my place because I was depressed or because I was still scared to see Saint. I absolutely felt safer in my apartment. It was like the things out to hurt me couldn’t see me if I just stayed in my pajamas under my covers.

But I couldn’t hide forever.

“You look beautiful, Vera,” Jack said while walking up to me. I looked down at the slinky black dress I wore and frowned. I hadn’t wanted to wear the expensive Vera Wang evening gown, but mother sent a single text reminding me that I needed to look nice for the evening.

“Thank you, Jack,” I replied with a tight smile. We hadn’t spoken since our last argument. I didn’t particularly want to talk to him now, but I knew that any animosity from me would be a direct representation of my mother. I didn’t want to make any more problems for her than I already had. “And thank you for having your personal stylist send this over,” I added while looking down at my strappy dress. Around the room, tables set with fine china, crisp white linens, and oversized floral arrangements filled the space. A string quartet played classical pieces in the corner of the room, making everything feel more elegant. The ambiance was rich with affluent touches only money could buy. It was the sort of wealth you couldn’t fake. Expensive diamonds dripped from the necks of women in evening gowns who clung to the arms of old men in perfectly tailored suits. They walked the room, scouting. Watching. Networking. Comparing. Gossiping. It felt over-the-top and exactly the sort of thing I wanted nothing to do with.

“I’ve missed chatting with you, you know. I’ve debated on calling you this week but wasn’t sure if you’d answer. I know my words were abrupt, but I hope we can move past it. It’s important that the family shows solidarity right now. This is an exciting time for the Beauregards.” I read his meaning loud and clear. Smile. Get over it. Look pretty for the pictures. “I’m really thankful you are here, and I’m so excited for you to start school next week.” I wanted to be frigid with Jack, but instead, I let out a slow exhale and said exactly what he wanted to hear.

“I understand why you did what you did. And I know you weren’t intentionally trying to be malicious. You were just protecting your family. I don’t know this world. I don’t know what you’ve had to do to safeguard your way of life. But I do know that we are stuck with one another. With Mom and Joseph moving to DC, you’ll be the only family I have around here.”

“Not exactly,” a familiar voice said at my back. Jack’s eyes widened, and his mouth parted. “I’m on the rig for a couple weeks every month, but I always come back. Like an annoying gnat you can’t swat away. Right, Jack?”

“Hamilton?” Jack stammered.

I spun around and nearly toppled over at the sight of Hamilton in a suit. His hair was combed to the side, and his broad shoulders looked impressive in the black jacket he wore. His bright purple tie complimented his tan skin, and his dark eyes glimmered with mischievousness.

“Hello, Vera. You look stunning.” He swept his eyes hungrily up and down my body—with his own fucking father standing right next to me. His gaze was hot and needy. Devastatingly tormenting. Wrong. His gaze had the power to start a war within my body. I was a home for need that had nowhere to go.

“Hamilton. You’re here. I didn’t think you would show up,” Jack said while taking a step toward his son. He didn’t even seem to care that said son was giving me bedroom eyes. Hot bedroom eyes that made me squirm.

“Hey, Jack,” Hamilton replied, not moving his eyes from me. “I’m assuming my invitation got Copyright 2016 - 2024