The Bard (Highland Heroes #5) - Maeve Greyson Page 0,18

but the lady’s scowl convinced him otherwise. Nay. She was still angry that he had hit her friend. He hurried to compose himself before he looked any more the fool. “By all means, m’lady.” Sutherland stood, then bowed as he backed up a step. “I shall give the two of ye privacy.”

Greyloch stayed him with a shake of his head. “No need.” He turned in his chair and gave his daughter a look that dared her to defy him. “I’m certain my daughter wouldna mind yer staying. After all, we have not yet finalized our business.”

Shite. Whoever had said Robert Greyloch teetered on feeble-mindedness was a damned fool. The old warrior was cannier than a fox and a damn sight more dangerous. Sutherland nodded in Sorcha’s direction. “I leave it to the lady to decide. Yer wishes, m’lady?”

Sorcha waved him away as though he mattered less than a midge. “Whatever ye wish. I dinna give a da…Ye may stay since Da wishes it.”

Sutherland suppressed a smile at Sorcha’s barely withheld need to curse. “Very well, m’lady.”

The Greyloch’s broad smile returned. “What is it, my daughter?”

“Is there no way,” she began through clenched teeth, then paused and cast a glance back over her shoulder. “Is there no way ye can clear the keep of our visitors?” Stiff and tense, she marched a step closer. “They have begun to take root like weeds.”

Lifting his glass, Chieftain Greyloch assumed a shocked look. “Why, daughter, Master MacCoinnich and his associate only just arrived a few days ago.”

Sutherland bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud as Lady Sorcha closed her eyes and pinched her mouth shut. Her toe tapped on the floor as though counting off the moments until she dared trust herself to speak to her father respectfully.

“I am in no mood for teasing, Da. Ye ken as well as I which visitors are in dire need of ousting.” She swiveled her displeased look to Sutherland. “Perhaps, Master MacCoinnich could knock Lady Culane and her son on their arses like he did Heckie. That should insult them enough to get them to pack up and leave.”

“I already have.” He poured himself another whisky. “Sent the lady tumbling, at least.” He glared across the room at Garthin Napier. “I would be most happy to oblige ye with the gentleman as well.”

“What?” Sorcha jerked her full attention on him as though he had just dared to curse at her. “What did ye say?”

Taking a cue from the lady’s father, he pointed his glass at the turret stair where Lady Culane had exited. “Magnus and I were in a bit of rush to be shed of the weather and enjoy the fire. I didna see the lovely Lady Culane in time to avoid a rather unfortunate collision.” He shook his head. “Hit her so hard, knocked her slipper and her earring flying. Magnus had to fetch a torch so we could find them.”

“Ye think she’s lovely?” Sorcha no longer looked angry or frustrated. The dear lass looked insulted and, hopefully, a wee bit jealous.

He didn’t have the heart to tease her further. “Nay, m’lady. Trust me. When I use the word lovely regarding that female, ’tis merely a figure of speech.”

She brightened, even graced him with her first kindly look since the Heckie incident. “It pleases me to learn ye’ve seen through her and know her for what she truly is.” Her smile disappeared as her attention veered back to her father. “Unlike some folk.”

“Politics, daughter. We have talked of this.” Greyloch shook his head as he lifted his glass for another sip. “And none of our visitors can go anywhere any time soon. Storm’s a coming. Old Aderyn told me.” He winked. “I’ve already informed Lady Culane, and she said Master Napier would be delighted since it would give him more time to woo ye.” His pleased with himself look shifted to the stern glare only a father could manage. “And as I have told ye before, if ye were already betrothed, ye wouldna have to worry about such unpleasantness.”

His daughter’s expression sharpened to a venomous scowl. “Now is not the time to discuss such matters.” She turned back to Sutherland and held out her hand. “I should like to introduce ye to Heckie properly so the two of ye can make peace. Are ye willing to give him a chance?”

If it helped them both escape Chieftain Greyloch’s current plotting, he would be delighted to get an introduction to the devil Copyright 2016 - 2024