The Bard (Highland Heroes #5) - Maeve Greyson Page 0,19

himself. To the old chief’s credit, all that had happened had started Sutherland pondering about giving up his wandering ways. And Lady Sorcha was the only woman who had tempted him enough to even think such. But he didn’t wish to be forced to the altar as though marching to the gallows. He took her hand. “Aye, lass—”

“Too late,” the chieftain interrupted. “The lad’s already left to lick his wounds.” He flipped a hand as though shooing them away. “Give the boy some time for his pride to heal. Ye ken how wee Heckie can be.”

Sutherland tightened his hold on Sorcha’s hand before she had the chance to pull it away. He stepped to her side. “Ye could show me the gallery instead. We could watch the storm rolling in.”

He didn’t give a rat’s arse about the storm, but he’d watch a slug crawl across the room if it meant some private time with Sorcha. He scrubbed the tingling at the back of his neck. Old habits and footloose ways warned him to get as far from her as he could. But something warm and dangerous stirred in his chest as she smiled and fell in step beside him. Maybe it was time to face the truth. He could very well be too far gone to be saved.

Chapter Four

Sleet pinged against the windows. Gusting winds slashed it away with curtains of rain. The iron casings rattled with the rhythm of the deluge, filling the gallery with their song.

“I do love a good storm.” Sorcha pressed her hand to the glass, trying to soak in the iciness of the pane. Whether from Sutherland’s presence or the hearth fire’s below, the upper level seemed overly warm. She wasn’t a fool. It was definitely from the man beside her and not because she was still angry about him hitting Heckie.

Heckie had instigated the attack. But the main reason she had already forgiven Sutherland was because he had admitted, with no remorse whatsoever, to knocking Lady Culane on her arse. Without looking away from the fogging glass, she made a faint wave toward the great hall below. “What was Da scolding ye about when I interrupted? Ye looked like a lad in fear of a thrashing.”

“He informed me that if I hurt his daughter, he would kill me.” He moved closer, a half-smile curling those lips that gave the most thrilling of kisses.

“Indeed.” She bolstered her courage and faced him. He stood so close. His heat reached out and caressed her, giving her wicked wonderings of how it would be with nothing at all between them. Skin to skin. Held tight against his muscled hardness. The thought triggered a deep breath. He smelled of whisky and the mysteries of exciting manliness. Determined to bait her prey, she forged ahead with her plan. “And would ye ever attempt to hurt me?”

Moving slowly, as though he feared she would flee, he brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I would never hurt ye, m’lady,” he promised softly, his eyes flashing with heart-stopping honesty.

“I believe ye,” she whispered, resting a hand on his chest in a laughable attempt at holding him at bay.

His heartbeat thumped against her palm, silently tempting her closer, but she garnered every bit of strength she had and held fast. Not yet. She couldn’t fall into his arms until more was said between them. Promises needed to be made. “Ye understand I refuse to be trifled with and then abandoned. Any man who would attempt such willna have to fear the wrath of my father.” It was her turn to lean closer, but she kept her hand in place, staying any shifting on Sutherland’s part. “I would hunt that man down and kill him myself.”

“Of that, I have no doubt.” Sutherland swept her hand away from his chest and pulled her into his arms. Cupping her chin, he tilted her deeper into his embrace. “But ye’re already mine, Sorcha Greyloch. For all time and beyond. What say ye to that?”

Witty words escaped her. How could she effectively spar while drowning in those eyes and waiting for possession by that mouth?

Sutherland smiled and tickled his fingers along her jawline, then laced them into her hair. “Answer me, love. I would hear ye say the words I see in yer eyes.”

His command gave her the calming she needed to make certain he understood the woman she was. “I will only belong forever and a day to my husband. Now, what say ye to Copyright 2016 - 2024