Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,82

toward the door. “Plus, he definitely plays at the parties that Rich has here.”

“Have you played?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No. I loved him and nobody else.”

That just completely sucked. “You deserve better, Kelsey.”

Krissy nodded. “This might sound hypocritical, but I totally agree. Danny wasn’t worth your time.”

Kelsey glanced at her sister. “Maybe Rich isn’t worth yours.”

“Maybe not,” Krissy sighed.

I was getting somewhere. The Walker girls were smart and nice, and somehow they’d gone down the wrong path, which I could easily relate to doing. Hopefully I wasn’t doing the same thing right now. Doubts swirled around my head, and I pushed them away. “How about when all of this is over that I grab Tessa and Donna, and we all head over to the coast for a weekend? Just girls away from the bad boys we keep choosing?”

Kelsey perked up. “I’d love it.”

Krissy kept chewing and then swallowed, her gaze on me. “That might be a good idea. Just get out of here for a while? Our cousin George is covering the business for me this week, and he could do it again. He’s retired out of Burbank but is still licensed and has been really helpful.”

“It gives him something to do besides fish,” Kelsey agreed.

I pushed the remains of my late lunch away, starting to like these two women. Kelsey seemed a little young, but Krissy and Detective Pierce might make a good couple. If I wiped out as an attorney, I could always start a matchmaking service for locals. I loved setting people up, and there was no doubt Pucci was bad for Krissy. For now, I’d get ready for trial. “Okay. In your own words, tell me what happened the night that Rich is on trial for, Krissy.”

She wiped mascara off beneath her eyes. “We were partying pretty hard, and this guy grabbed my butt at Dunphey’s. Rich got mad, there was some pushing and shoving, and then they took it outside. When we were outside, the guy hit Rich, and Rich hit him back, and the guy fell down and didn’t get up. Total wimp. So we left.” Her gaze didn’t meet mine.

Kelsey nodded. “Yep. That’s exactly what happened.” Her face was still pink.

Good people were usually bad liars, unfortunately.

“All we need to do is create reasonable doubt in one person on the jury,” I murmured. “Just from reading everything, I feel like we have that. I see why Rich’s earlier attorneys didn’t want to plea it out.” I couldn’t let either one of them lie on the stand, so if they didn’t tell me that they’d seen a gun, then I didn’t know that. I didn’t push either one for more information. Yeah, that was why I’d wanted to be a prosecutor to put bad guys away.

Kelsey gathered up the garbage and dumped it into the bag she’d used to bring the food. “So are we good?”

“Yeah, but you two have to know that the prosecutor is good and will cross-examine you. So my advice is to tell the truth. That’s what you need to do.”

“Right,” Kelsey said.

The door opened and Rich stepped inside. “Do we need to practice my testimony?” Somehow he made it sound sexual.

Saber stepped in right after him and crossed his arms across his chest. He was big and wide, and I was suddenly happy he was watching the cabin.

I cleared my throat. “You aren’t testifying, Pucci. It’d be a disaster. Let’s see how far we get with the witnesses first.” I glanced at the witness list from the state. “At the very earliest, you’d take the stand at the end of the week, so we don’t even need to argue about it yet.” I kept my voice calm and controlled.

“Okay.” His gaze warmed. “Any chance you want to play tonight, lady attorney?”

I didn’t know exactly what ‘play’ meant to Pucci, but whatever it was, I definitely didn’t want it. “No.” Why expand on that?

Saber’s chest puffed out. “Are you finished with Pucci, Anna?”

“For now,” I said, more than happy to let Saber escort the business owner out.

Pucci turned toward Saber. “You make a claim on Kelsey or not?”

“Up to her,” Saber said shortly.

Pucci looked back and Kelsey nodded, her eyes wide. “Looks like you have. Great. Want to switch tonight?”

I couldn’t help but look at Krissy. Her boyfriend wanted to have sex with her sister, and she was supposed to go off with Saber? None of this made any sense to me, and by her pale face, she Copyright 2016 - 2024