Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,81

a BGC PROPERTY stamp,” Rhino said to me. “That makes you protected by the entire brotherhood. You’d be ours.”

His brother nodded. “Then you’d get all of this.” He gestured to them both.

I burst out laughing. Oh, it was totally inappropriate and probably stupid, but it was a natural defense mechanism.

Their expressions darkened.

Aiden took my hand, and we walked past them and closer to the cabin. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

“Not sure,” I said honestly. “Let’s get inside and talk.”

“No. The place is wired for sure. I’ll try to find cameras and bugs later, but for now, watch what you say and definitely don’t take off your clothes for any reason.” He strode up the stairs to the door as if he was in complete control, while Saber and the other Lordes guy flanked us.

It was like something out of a movie that I’d missed the first fifteen minutes of.

He opened the door and stepped inside first, scouting. “Looks good.” Then he drew me in.

It was adorable, actually. Queen bed covered with a red quilt in the corner, sweet kitchenette, sitting area with a fireplace, and a bathroom by the kitchen. I headed for the round table between the kitchen and living area. “Looks like my new office.”

He nodded. “Just stick to your case and nothing else, Angel.” In other words, no investigating. “I’ll have a guy on the door all day, and if you need anything, ask him. It’ll be either Saber or Drag, and if it’s anybody else, start yelling for me.”

I winced. My head spun. Yep. Here came the panic attack.

Chapter 29

I worked for a couple of hours familiarizing myself with the case and the witness statements. From the police report, all of the witnesses on the prosecution’s side had been fairly intoxicated, and I could work with that.

A knock came on the door, and I looked up as Krissy and Kelsey walked inside with what looked like sandwiches.

Kelsey smiled shyly. “I brought, um, supplies from town. Do you want salad, turkey, or pastrami?”

“Turkey,” I said, stretching my neck. “Thanks.” I looked at the sisters. “I’m glad you’re here. Since you’re both on the defense’s witness list, I’d like to talk about your testimony tomorrow.”

Kelsey shifted and handed me the sandwich. “I’m nervous because I’ve never been in court. Does the other side yell at you like they do on television?” She drew out a seat and plopped the salad in front of herself.

Krissy rolled her eyes and grabbed three diet sodas from the fridge before joining her sister at the table. “Nobody is going to yell at you.” She popped open her soda and unwrapped the pastrami sandwich. “How’s the trial prep going? I’ve never gone to court, either.”

I took a bite of the sandwich and chewed thoughtfully before swallowing. The food wasn’t as good as McQuirk’s, but it would do. “So far, so good. It’s my first trial, and Pucci is nuts to want me as his attorney.”

Krissy shrugged. “Rich knows what he wants and usually gets it.”

I studied her. “I really don’t understand. You’re a mortician, and you own a business. Why would you let him boss you around like that?”

She chuckled. “Look who’s talking. You’re representing a guy you can’t stand because your boyfriend told you to.”

“Asked me to,” I corrected, fully understanding there was very little difference. “Although your point is well taken.” I leaned in. “Do you think Rich could’ve killed Danny?” I’d been mulling it over all day once I saw how dangerous and organized Rich’s business was.

Kelsey gasped. “No. They’re family.”

Krissy shook her head. “Rich and Danny were cousins, and Rich is furious somebody killed him. He has feelers out all over and plans to take out whoever did it.” She looked up. “You’re sure Tessa didn’t shoot him?”

“I’m sure,” I said, fear slamming into my gut. “She’d never shoot anybody, and I know Aiden didn’t do it, either.” I looked at Kelsey, taking advantage of the fact that the sisters were finally talking to me. “You knew him better than anybody, right? Who would’ve wanted him dead?”

She ate more of her salad. “I really don’t know. I loved him, and we were together a lot, but he liked women. Many women.” She looked down, and her face turned pink. “I thought I could change him, you know? But he wanted to get back with Tessa, and if you’re right that she wasn’t the woman who scratched him in the bar, then he was seeing somebody else, too.” She looked Copyright 2016 - 2024