Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,78

Every hint that he was a deadly man mingled into that absolute truth right then and there.

I couldn’t breathe.

Pucci blinked. “Got it. Geez.”

Aiden released him with a small shove.

Pucci straightened his shirt and took a slight step back. “I was just joking, Devlin. Jesus. Take it easy, would you?”

“I’ve put up with a lot from you, Pucci,” Aiden said slowly, his eyes a burnished blue. “But that’s a line you never want to cross again. Trust me.”

I shivered.

Krissy stood and edged closer to Pucci, her glasses on her head and her eyes wide on Aiden. Apparently she’d never seen that side of him.

Aiden turned toward me, and I barely kept myself from stepping away. “What’s the plan?” he asked.

I tried to talk, but nothing came out. So I cleared my throat and tried again. “I need the afternoon, and then we should all meet up to plan strategy and talk about witnesses if we have any.” I didn’t even know what laws were at play here. I also didn’t like getting forced into doing this, so I needed some space and time to think about my options.

Aiden’s jaw clenched. “Fine. We’ll meet after dinner at the Lordes apartment complex. Seven tonight.” Without waiting for agreement from Pucci, he took my hand and started walking away from the courthouse.

I couldn’t help but look back over my shoulder, and damn if Krissy Walker wasn’t smirking at me. “See?” she mouthed.

Chapter 28

We walked around the corner toward my car, and I jerked my hand free. “I’m out. Right here and right now.” I turned to face him, caught again by the unreal mixture of blues in his eyes. “Seriously, Aiden. Thanks for talking Krissy into dropping the charges, but if she needs to go press them, she can. I screwed up, and I’ll face the consequences. But you and me? Start talking right now and tell me everything, or I’m gone.” I meant every word, and it freaking hurt. I loved having him in my life.

His nostrils flared and he stiffened. Then he took a deep breath. “Fine. Here it is. I—”

“Devlin.” Pucci came around the corner with Krissy trying to keep up in her mile high heels. “I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go prepare for this stupid trial at the compound.”

Two dusty trucks drove into the parking lot, both with a couple of guys in the front seat. Shotguns, or maybe machine guns, were mounted behind them.

Aiden slowly turned his head to look at Pucci, and whatever was on his face had Pucci swallowing nervously. “You brought back up?”

Pucci rolled his eyes, but his movements were still a little jerky. “Of course not. It just seems to me that your woman there might need a little extra encouragement, and having you both in our camp would be beneficial. All of my witnesses are there, anyway.” He smiled, although his gaze still darted to the two trucks as if to make sure they were still there. “Besides. She’s my lawyer now, and I’m covered by privilege, right?”

I had a split second to make a decision. Aiden had been about to tell me the truth, and in my gut, I trusted him. Against all logic, and with the full realization that I might be strongly influenced by the fact that he’d saved my life as a kid, I still chose to trust him. “Yes. If I represent you, then you’re covered by attorney-client privilege.” Of course, if I had a hint that he was going to harm himself or somebody else, I was duty bound to notify the police. There was no reason to tell him that, however.

“Good.” He looked toward my car. “I’ll have one of my guys drive your car out for you, and you two can ride with us in my truck. It’s the black Dodge over there. Devlin? We can finish up our business arrangements while your girl is planning brilliant trial strategy.”

Business arrangements? It appeared I was finally going to get answers.

Yet Aiden didn’t move into action. He set his jaw and seemed to be thinking. Then he looked down at me, and his eyes softened. “No. She’s not coming to the compound.” Resignation and determination crossed his expression. “I’ll blow it all for you, Angel. I ain’t risking you.”

Before I had time to even start to unpack that very sweet statement, something pointy prodded me in the side. I glanced to see Krissy there and something shiny in her hand. “Oh, come on,” I muttered.

She looked over at Copyright 2016 - 2024