Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,77

behind me. As was Alice.

“I’ll be right back,” I said to the gang before heading over to my friend. “Hey, Alice.”

She typed something into her phone and looked up. “Hi, Anna. You have a case already. Good job.”

Okay. That was a little snide. “Thanks so much. I don’t suppose you’d agree to a continuance for this case? Just for a week?” I’d never even been to trial.

She shook her head, her eyes determined. “No. This is a bad guy who’s done bad things, and he’s played the system enough. Two of my witnesses are gone. Just up and gone from this area. That’s suspicious, and it’s scary, and even though I’ve been out of the office for a month, I started this case, and I’m going to finish it.”

I had no chance against an experienced trial attorney. “What are the charges, anyway?”

Her mouth dropped open and then quickly snapped shut. “He didn’t tell you?” She shook her head. “It’s a felony weapons charge, although we pled in the alternative for a misdemeanor. In fact, if he pleads guilty right now, I’ll go for the misdemeanor. One year in jail.”

“Just a sec.” I had no clue if it was a good deal or not, and I was so used to being on the other side of this. I hurried back to Rich. “The state—”

“I’m not taking a plea,” he said, cutting me off. “Period.”

Krissy stepped closer. “Rich, maybe you should listen—”

“Shut up,” he said, still looking at me. “When I want your input, I’ll ask for it.”

Krissy subsided and I disliked this guy even more.

Rich smiled. “You’re going to get me out of this. For now, go tell her no.”

Temper flicked down my back, and I gave Aiden a hard look but turned on my heel to go refuse the state’s offer. Then I stomped down to the records area on the lower level and requested the entire case file, which took half an hour and thirty dollars to gain more copies. There was no doubt Pucci wasn’t paying me back.

When I walked outside, Aiden and Pucci were talking quietly over by a wild rosebush while Krissy sat on a bench in the sun. I strode toward her and sat with the very heavy case file in my hands. “Why do you put up with that?”

Dark glasses covered her eyes. “I love him. Surely you get it. Aiden isn’t much better.”

I looked at the two men. They were both good looking with an aura of danger. “He doesn’t put his hands on me or tell me to shut up.”

She smiled. “You just started dating, so don’t be so superior. You also don’t cross Aiden, if you haven’t noticed. Try it and see what happens.” She kicked back. “Rich is a good guy who’s had some hard times. He has some anger issues, but we’re working through them.”

Man, she sounded like her sister had about Danny. Did the Walker girls have a type or what? “None of this is okay. You get that, right?”

“Talk to me when you toss Aiden Devlin to the curb,” she returned, wiping imaginary dust off her pristine white pants. “And you can thank me for not pressing charges any time.”

“Thanks.” I stood as the men strode toward us. “This is your case file, and I’m going to need most of the day to get caught up.” I directed my attention and anger at Rich Pucci for now. “Unless you want to go apologize to your former attorney, who most certainly will know more about this case than I could learn in a week, and beg him or her to represent you in court?”

Pucci flashed his teeth. “Nah. I think you can handle it. You get me off, and this will square the balance sheet.” He glanced at Aiden. “And set us up for more. Got it?”

Aiden looked bored. But I knew him better. “More of what?” I asked.

“None of your business,” Pucci said. “Just do your job. The last guy who looked at my file said it wasn’t a very strong case against me, so I expect to win this thing. All right?”

“Then hire the last guy,” I retorted.

Pucci lost the grin. “Why would I do that? I’d much rather watch your tight ass in front of my table during a trial.”

Aiden lost the bored look. He moved fast, grabbing Rich’s lapels and lifting him up on his toes. The air electrified. He leaned in. “Mine.” This was definitely a growl with no semblance of a grunt. Copyright 2016 - 2024