Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,103

distribution gang, so you probably have some juice.” The world was looking up right now. Big time. I smiled.


I leaned back so I could see his pretty blue eyes. “So? You’re the perfect person to clear Tessa. If you say she arrived at her apartment after Danny Pucci had been shot, then you’re an excellent reference. See?”

“Yeah. I see.” He pressed a kiss to my nose. “I’ll make sure to add my official title to my statement with the police.”

Perfect. It was just perfect. With that thought, I finally let the darkness take me. The last thing I heard before unconsciousness totally won was Aiden calling my name.

He had such a nice voice.

Chapter 37

I woke up in the hospital, not for the first time this summer. Something beeped and my arm hurt. I looked to the side to see Aiden sprawled in a chair, his head back and his eyes shut. He wore an ATF T-shirt, black cargo pants, and a gun strapped to his thigh. It was a good look on him.

Slowly, he lowered his head and opened his eyes as if knowing I was looking at him. He had great instincts. “How’s the head?”

I gingerly pressed on my forehead. “Okay. How long was I out?”

“Long enough.” He rubbed through the scruff on his angled jaw. Dawn peeked in through the blinds behind him, sliding into the room with more than a hint of the summer heat to come.

A doctor poked his head in, and I didn’t recognize him. “You’re awake. I’m the on call doc. Dr. Springfield.” He strode inside and checked me out, his hands and tone gentle. He had to be in his mid-sixties with a neatly trimmed white beard that matched his short hair. “Your pupils look good and have excellent response.”

So long as they continued to keep an eye on Aiden, I didn’t care. “Did he have his chest checked out?”

The doctor looked over his shoulder at Aiden. “No. Are you injured?”

“No.” Aiden lifted his shirt to reveal his stone hard chest and abs, which were marred by three deep purple bruises with interesting striations of color spreading out from the middle.

The doctor craned his neck to see better. “Bullet-proof vest?”

“Yep.” Aiden dropped the shirt.

“All right. Anna, I’d like for you to stay a couple more hours, and then you can be discharged with orders.” He tapped notes into a tablet and turned on what looked like hiking boots for the door.

I sat more fully up and pushed my hair out of my eyes. “Where’s my family?” It was shocking that nobody had arrived yet.

Aiden remained in his relaxed position with his legs extended. “I didn’t call anybody. Three of Pucci’s guys weren’t at the compound, and while I don’t think you’re in danger, we’re keeping you locked down until they’re found.” He rolled his neck.

Heavy footsteps preceded Saber arriving at the door and then smiling. “Hey. You’re awake. How’s the head?”

“Pretty good,” I said, liking him more than ever now that I knew he wasn’t a criminal. In fact, he was pretty cute. Maybe I should introduce him to Donna if Bud didn’t get off his butt and make a move.

“Good.” He focused on Aiden. “Hey, boss. We found the three missing BGC members buying drugs in east Spokane, and they’re all locked down right now. We rounded them all up.” He shrugged. “Or we shot them. Either way, she’s safe.”

“Nice job.” Aiden stretched to his feet like a lazy lion.

More footsteps sounded and Detective Grant Pierce stormed into the room, elbowing Saber to the side. “Anna? You okay?” Tension rolled off him in palpable waves.

“Yep,” I said.

He looked me over and then turned toward Aiden. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Aiden sighed.

Pierce set his hand on the butt of the gun at his waist. “You’re a Special Agent in Charge of an ATF SRT?”

Wow. That sounded pretty impressive. “What’s SRT?” I asked.

“Special Response Teams,” Aiden and Saber said at the same time.

Then Aiden stepped toward Pierce. “Yeah. I am. Sorry you can’t arrest me.”

Pierce took a step toward Aiden. “Me, too. Have you ever heard of professional courtesy? That if the ATF is conducting an op in a local jurisdiction that they let the locals in on the action? You know? So we don’t accidentally shoot them?”

“It was a three-year op,” Aiden said.

Pierce lowered his chin and looked every bit as pissed off as he sounded. “I want the guys you rounded up at the camp. Unlike you, I still have a crime Copyright 2016 - 2024