Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,102

get some bets going. I didn’t mind because I wanted to beat on Danny a little bit.” Aiden grimaced. “Of course, I didn’t know he was going to get shot the next day.”

Obviously. This undercover situation was even more dangerous than I’d feared.

“Who killed Danny?” I whispered.

Aiden lost the deadly smile. “I really don’t know. The local cops will figure it out. Detective Pierce is a pain, but he’s good at his job.”

I ran my hand through the hair curling below Aiden’s ears. “Pierce is going to be so pissed you’re a Fed.”

Aiden chuckled. “I know.” He found a trail and started following it back to the smell of fire. “I hope I’m there when he finds out, although it does prove his instincts were right, too. He knew something was off with me, and he just didn’t know what. He’ll still be angry, though.” Aiden sounded like he was looking forward to the conversation.

I closed my eyes and rested my cheek against his ATF vest. “What’s ATF again?”

“Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms,” he said, carrying my weight easily.

“Do you go undercover a lot?”

“Yeah.” He didn’t expand on the statement.

At the moment, I didn’t want to know anything more than the fact that he was one of the good guys and wasn’t going to prison right now. The huge lightness of relief almost made me giddy—or maybe that was the bruise on my brain. Either way, this was almost too good to be true. But it was true. “You guys fight drug trafficking, gangs, and gun violations.” It all fits with the Lordes club as well as mixing it up with Rich Pucci. “Wait a sec. So you’re not a Lorde?”

“Most women with a concussion or three are usually quiet,” he mused. “Figures you’d want to chat.”

I would’ve slapped him lightly, but my hand was busy playing with his thick hair. “I’m trying to ignore the pain.”

“All right. I was never in a club. We created the cover with the Diablos right before they were patched over by the Lordes, and I took it from there.”

I sighed and let my body relax completely. “All right.” My voice was sleepy.

He jostled me. “No, you don’t. No sleeping until we get your head checked out.”

But I was tired. “I’m not sleeping.” I sank lower into a meditative state.

He pinched my butt. “Stay awake. Keep talking.”

I frowned but didn’t open my eyes. “Fine. You were working with the Lordes and trying to take down their drug operation, which you did.”

“Yeah, and during that investigation, we discovered Rich Pucci and his side business. So after we disbanded most of the Lordes, I recruited a few new members, most of whom work for the ATF. We then set up this undercover op to infiltrate and work with Rich Pucci.” He turned suddenly, and I opened my eyes to see a trail between trees. “That leads us to today and what happened to get you here.”

I snuggled into him more, although it wasn’t easy with the tactical vest in my way. “I was in court, and then Pucci smashed my head against the truck and here we are.” I relented. “You probably need a better statement than that.”

“No. I won’t be the one to interview you.” He ducked beneath some sweeping branches. “Considering our relationship, somebody else will take your statement in the hospital.” The last was said firmly.

My head hurt badly enough that I didn’t argue. What was our relationship exactly? Where did Aiden live when he wasn’t pretending to be a gun-toting criminal who sold drugs, ran guns, and hung out with murderers? Where did he want to live? Was there an ATF unit close by? I didn’t think so.

“Are you still awake?” His hand was precariously close to my butt, which I had no doubt he’d pinch again.

“Yes. I was just thinking.” The thoughts ran through my head, and even though it hurt, I dropped into legal thinking. “Are you a good agent?”

“I do all right.” He ducked beneath branches again and stepped out into the clearing. Several of Pucci’s soldiers were being loaded into a dark sheriff’s van with their hands zip-tied behind their backs. Agents moved around, going through different trucks and storage bins.

I tugged on his hair. “I’m not looking for you to be arrogant. I want to know if you have a good reputation.”

“I do. Solid. Why?”

“Because you’re a solid ATF agent, one who just took down a major illegal gun manufacturing operation as well as a drug Copyright 2016 - 2024