Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology - Yolanda Olson Page 0,109

was going with it, but I saw her grab the mask, so hesitantly I undressed and dropped to my knees. This was a new game, and I wasn’t sure I was going to like it.

“I invited a friend.” She said as another knock came at the door.

Sister Purity

Inviting Father O’Rourke was a stroke of genius. These two men needed to scratch each other’s itch as it were.

“I don’t understand why I am here.” Father O’Rourke started in until he stopped when he saw the other on all fours.

“Well I have a solution for you both.” I said conversationally.

“Your voice is heavenly.” Father O’Rourke situated the bulge in his pants.

“Father Clarence needs to be taken care of, by a man, as often as you can.” I nodded to the man who had not offered anything to say as of yet.

“And what do I get out of it?” He said arrogantly.

“Besides the obvious?” I scoffed.

“I need some pain applied.” He shrugged.

I pointed to Father Clarence. He was used to pain because of his father. “Father Clarence can you handle letting Father O’Rourke take over my lessons? Then you won’t need this mask?” I threw the cherub face in the fire place.

He answered yes as submissively as he could. I would come and make sure everyone was playing fair and no new girls were being put in their service.

“Then all of our secrets are safe with me and as silent as my vow. We need not speak of past sins. This arrangement saves both of your souls as well as saving so many more.” I smiled at them both as I watched the first of many to come Preacher on Preacher fucking.

Leaving the office satisfied, I went to do my afternoon prayers when Mother Superior found me.

“Sister Purity could we take a walk please?”

I rose from my spot, not missing the look of displeasure from her about my lipstick.

“It is time to change your studies. Your vow is over. Let’s expand your privileges and get you a formal part of this church.”

I nodded. “So, this means I can go outside?”

“Yes. You may go out front to the florals or out back to our garden. Would you like a work assignment out there?” She asked.

“Yes, please.”

“We can arrange that.” She smiled. “Come by my office this afternoon and I will have your new assignment.

Going to my room, I was ecstatic. I couldn’t wait to go outside. Smell the fresh air, see all the fresh vegetables, all the little critters running around. God was good.

I wanted to go clean my mess up in my hidden area first. Going to my room, I slipped into the secret room. It was gone. Her body, her heart, all of the mess. The dust, the circle, and my mirror all looked untouched.

A calming effect came over me, so I didn’t worry. Knowing I needed to absolve my sins, watching the two men together, I disrobed and used my whip. My back was bloody and ripped up by the time I was done. I could feel the legs of the bugs as the crawled up my body to get their fill when I started my prayers.

Being covered in filth was the only time I felt clean. Standing up and shaking them off, I put my robe back on, then went back to my room, anxiously waiting to go outside.

Stopping to look in the mirror, I couldn’t help but be proud of the vision that looked back at me. No longer a meek mild lamb, but now a woman with a backbone to rival some of the toughest men I knew.

Running my hands all over my body, I prayed for continued guidance from his love, and continued consternation to keep me on the right track.

My lessons taught me to be stronger than they ever imagined. Lord help each one.

Sister Purity

After cleaning up, I went to Mother Superior to find out what my new plan would be. I had done everything I was supposed to do, I had listened to the Lord’s word, allowed my body to he used as a vessel, now I hoped to be rewarded.

Walking to see her, I held my head high as I walked, unlike I usually did, looking at the floor. Meeting each one of them in the eye, they needed to know, I would not be ran over anymore.

I thought my new self confidence would make me feel better, but my need to be outdoors, outweighed everything right now.

Walking in her office, I could feel Copyright 2016 - 2024