Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology - Yolanda Olson Page 0,108

even heard whispering voices.

Frowning at her, I looked at the circle, and it actually started to glow. She looked frozen in place with panic.

“Please,” She begged, “we have to leave this evil place.”

What an odd reaction to my safe place. Pure adrenaline surged through me. I kicked her kneecap hard, pushing her into the circle. Her body trembled, thrashed, and shook as electricity went through it.

Staring at it with awe, I was stunned. It was a brilliant light display. Being beckoned to the circle didn’t bother me. I walked over to the pale body. Stripping her from her habit, I saw she was still taking small raspy breaths. The images in my head were leading me.

I saw her heart laying on the center of the circle. Taking my small knife out, I knew it would be a big undertaking, but it was necessary. The circle demanded it.

The energy in the circle helped me. My knife went through her flesh straight down to the organ I was picturing. It was still beating in my hand when I squeezed it and pulled her life source from her. The dimming of her eyes as her soul left her body and flew down the center of the circle was the most magical feeling.

I looked at her body. Her breasts were close to my size. I reached out to squeeze her nipple which was stiffening in the cool air. A thought occurred to me. I wondered if she tasted the same as I did. Her pubic hair was strawberry blonde. She shaved hers thin to a landing strip.

Pushing her legs apart, I slid in to check her folds out. Opening them up, I ran my finger up and down, then slipped them inside of her. Dipping my face down right in front of her pussy, I licked her juice that was running over my fingers. She did taste like me. It was intoxicating. Getting my fill, I slurped up what I wanted, then moved away from her.

I wanted a souvenir, like a small bone to put in my box. To have to remember every time I looked at it. Her finger was pointing out. My mind went straight to that. She had a moonstone ring on it. Breaking her finger with my bare hands then cutting the skin and muscle with the knife, I took the offering and cleaned it up for my box.

I needed to disperse of the body. But the images flying through my mind, only showed me leaving it there. The circle had other ideas for her corpse.

Knowing I could take a human life, was all I needed to know, I could take any challenge on.

Taking her discarded robe, and my souvenirs, I slipped back into my room. The next day was going to be a day of learning for many people. My voice would be heard and so help me, they would listen.

Sister Purity

Going through Hanleigh’s pockets, I had found lipstick. Why not? What better way to bring my voice loud and proud then with fuck me red lips?

After dropping her robe off at her room, I walked to do my first prayers in front of the idol. It took everything I had not to smudge the stuff off my lips, not wanting to be a disgrace.

Feeling unusually happy, I almost bumped into Sister Paloma. She looked down at me with irritation, asking me if I had seen Sister Hanleigh. I lied and said No. She raised her eyebrow at my speaking, but walked away. She scared the shit out of me. I never wanted to cross her.

Father O’Rourke

“We didn’t have an appointment right now did we, Purity?”

“No, sir.” She purred.

My dick got hard hearing her voice. Holy shit, she was so going to suck my dick and gag loud for me.

“Need some extra attention?” I asked.

“I was wondering if you could meet me at Father Clarence’s office in thirty minutes?”

Curious, and stiff as a brick, I agreed.

Chapter 9

Father Clarence

It was time for Purity's lesson. I needed it more than she most days. I was thrilled when I heard the rap on the door until I saw the ludicrous color on her face.

“Take it off.” I ordered immediately.


Whipping my head around at her voice, I glanced at the calendar realizing she could speak now.

“Regardless if you can use your voice or not, you do not tell me no.”

“No. I am no taking the lipstick off, now get on your knees, Sir”

She walked over and locked my door. Not sure where she Copyright 2016 - 2024