Baby Got Bear - Milly Taiden Page 0,25

hurried to add, “Well, not officially, but she is in my heart, and she will be once you get her back here. So, you’re not stopping me. I heard your war cry just like these guys.”

“It’s too dangerous.”

“I’m the alpha’s sister,” Amelia spat, starting her shift.

Stopping his sister from calling her bear forth before it even started, Beau ordered, “You will go in the house and—”

“And help me organize the others,” Miss Bea chimed in, appearing just in time. “Cleland Benton’s gonna lose whatever’s left of his mind, and we need to be sure our borders are protected.” Putting her arms around Amelia’s shoulders, the older female gave Beau a knowing nod before continuing with her explanation to his sister. “You’re going to get everybody up here to the house, okay?”

Sure, Miss Bea could handle whatever his sister could dish out, Beau pulled his favorite image of Lucy to the front of his mind. Focusing on her bright blue eyes and the glorious smile on her face, he called out to his mate. Waiting for less than a second, irritated when there was no response, he tried again.

Almost knocked off his feet when his deep, rumbling growl reverberated back with twice the force and strength, he barked his rage at his beta, “Don’t know if it’s Cleland or Terrance, but somebody’s blocking my bond with Lucy.”

“Can’t bust through it?” Jack questioned as he completed his shift.

“Nope, coming back with a fuckin’ vengeance,” he snarled. “If they’ve harmed a single hair on Lucy’s head, the pieces I leave behind will be too small to burn with a Zippo lighter.”

Chapter Sixteen

Galloping past the others, taking his rightful place at the lead, Beau heard the arrival of more of his clan at the house. Telepathically reassuring each bear in his care that he would defend them with every ounce of blood flowing through his veins, he took off at a rampaging gallop to rescue his mate.

“We’re off to save Lucy and kick-ass, right, boss?” Jack’s chuckle filled Beau’s mind.

“And we’re not takin’ names,” Timothy barked with laughter.

“’Cause we can’t write with these big ass paws anyway,” Alex finished with a deep guffaw.

“Hey, I thought you said Terrance had Lucy,” Jack questioned. “We’re heading right for—”

“Cleland,” Beau snarled.

Arriving in record time, he wove them past the wolves in the yard. Jumping up onto the wraparound porch of the Benton mansion with his bears right behind him, he didn’t miss a step.

Bursting through the front door, Beau found it incredibly amusing that three full-sized and one larger than life grizzly bear just sped by a platoon of highly trained wolves without being seen, but then again, the magic of the Warrior Bear was stronger than even he’d known. Throwing back his gigantic head, he scented the air before ordering, “Down the hall. Follow me.”

Throwing his massive body against the enormous oak doors, he roared in triumph when the wood cracked, and splinters flew every direction as the doors burst open. Racing into the biggest, most lavish room he’d ever seen, Beau and his bears shifted to men as they traveled.

Stopping in front of the alpha wolf, Beau grabbed Cleland by the collar of his freshly-pressed dress shirt and demanded, “Tell me where she is, and we’ll go in peace. Lie to me, and I’ll gut you where you stand.”

Growls, intense and threatening and coming from every direction, filled the room. The heady scent of aggression and male ego burned Beau’s nose. The wolves of Pack Benton had finally gotten with the program and were closing in.

Invading the home of their leader was one thing but threatening their alpha on pack land was grounds for a blood duel. It wasn’t the way Beau had planned to handle things. Hell, he’d practiced asking Cleland for Lucy’s hand more times than he could remember, but the old alpha drew first blood, and it was up to the grizzly to respond.

Lucy’s life was in danger, and the stupid son of a bitch had put her there. Only the claws of the paw he’d let shift pushing against the tender skin over their alpha’s jugular kept Cleland’s guards at bay. One wrong move and Beau and his bears would have to fight their way out. No, the odds weren’t great, but they were bears. The wolves didn’t stand a chance.

Glaring at the alpha, Beau tightened his grip ever so slightly and snarled, “Talk, asshole. She’s your daughter, and Terrance is scum. I know you have no problem selling out your Copyright 2016 - 2024