Author Anonymous_ A True Story - E.K. Blair Page 0,4

hard to finally be in the position to garner national recognition. “I am so proud of you, babe. So, when does this happen?”

“In two weeks.”

“That soon?”

“I’ll be working a lot more until then.”

“Of course. Do you need me to find someone to help out with the kids this weekend while I’m in Vegas?”

“I was going to call my brother to see if he and Marcia can help out,” he says as he runs his hands through my hair.

On a faint whisper, I tell him again, “I’m so proud of you,” and then press my lips to his in a slow kiss. His hands drop to my hips, tugging me closer, and I moan into his mouth as the friction between my legs sparks a trill through my body.

“Yoohoo! Tori?” Brooke’s sing-song voice announces from my cell’s speaker-phone through the app we use to communicate.

“Ignore it,” Landon mumbles against my lips as we continue to kiss.

He grabs my breasts over my shirt, squeezing them as he runs his lips down my neck.

Sensual warmth spreads through my body, building the ache between my thighs, and I grind my hips over his lap. Sparks of pent-up heat sizzle through me, and my body begs for more.

“Tor, I need to go over the itinerary with you. Oh, also, you had a few last-minute preorder requests, so I’m going to pack some extra books. I also called the hotel to confirm the package deliveries and—”

Landon drops his hands from me, and I groan in frustration.

“Let me talk to her really quick and then I’ll turn off the phone,” I tell him while Brooke continues to ramble on in the background.

He releases a hard breath when I get off the bed.

“Hey, I’m here,” I tell her through the speaker.

Landon hates that we use this app, since it’s pretty much a walkie-talkie and he has to listen to us gab.

“Did you get my last message?”

“We all got it, Brooke,” Landon calls out so she can hear.

“Hi, Landon. Why do you sound so crotchety?”

“No reason, aside from the fact that I was just about to get laid.”

I shoot Landon an exaggerated look of mortification and mouth the words Oh, my God! to him. He responds with an amused grin. He loves embarrassing me.

“Sexxxxy!” she teases.

“You two are so ridiculous. Can we get back to what you need to talk to me about?”

Brooke goes on to discuss the details of the Vegas trip while I continue to pack my suitcase. Every now and then, I look over to Landon, who is now lost in sorting through emails on his phone. The conversation with Brooke lasts much longer than expected, and after I have myself completely packed and my luggage is in the trunk of my car, I return to the bedroom to find Landon sound asleep.

“Brooke, I gotta go,” I tell her in a quiet voice. “I’ll message you when I’m on my way to the airport tomorrow.”

I turn my phone on silent and check the time. Guilt rears its head when I realize I’ve been talking to Brooke for over an hour. When I slip into bed, I look at the face I fell in love with thirteen years ago as the moon casts its glow across the room. We were so young when we met; it seems like a lifetime ago.

“You love him?” Brooke asks as I rifle through my closet in search of my blue chiffon swing top.

“What? It’s only been three months.”

“Yeah, so . . .?”

“Here it is,” I murmur as I pull the top off the hanger and slip it over my head.

“You’re with him a lot. Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been staying up until all hours of the night texting him.”

“We really need to get an apartment so I can have my own room,” I respond as I continue to get ready for my date tonight.

“So, do you love him?”

“I don’t know,” I tell her while applying some gloss to my lips. “I’m just now getting used to him.”

“What does that mean?”

Turning from the mirror, I look at Brooke, who’s sitting in the middle of her twin bed. “He’s nice. Like, really nice.”


“I didn’t like it at first. I guess I was just so used to how Trey treated me that when Landon would do or say sweet things to me, it used to turn me off. In a weird way, it made me feel smothered and icky.”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything to me?”

I shrug my shoulders, walk over to Copyright 2016 - 2024