Author Anonymous_ A True Story - E.K. Blair Page 0,3

those feelings eventually waned, and I began itching to have something of my own again. So, in the evenings after everyone was asleep, I stayed up and wrote. I didn’t know what I was writing. There was no plan. I simply enjoyed getting lost in a world that had nothing to do with changing diapers, folding laundry, and cooking dinners. I took parts of my past and present and twisted them into a work of fiction, and pretty soon, it turned into a novel.

I remember calling Brooke, who lives only a short drive from Belmont, where I live. She has a beautiful home with her husband and son, Ryder. I told her about the book and began sending her chapters to read. She humors me, even though her tastes in books are anything other than the steamy romances I write.

Writing became my obsession. I couldn’t wait for everyone to go to bed so I could get back to my self-created chimera. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes fantasize about the male lead in my book while Landon and I were having sex. During the day I was mom and wife, and at night, I was something else entirely. I created a world where laundry didn’t exist, sex wasn’t something I had to schedule, and there were no children in the background throwing fits. Before I knew it, four months had passed and I had a finished book.

After college, Brooke went on to work for a multimedia entertainment agency, and with her knowledge, she guided me to the world of self-publishing. Together, we found a designer to create a cover for the book, we hired an editing company, and next thing I knew, the book was published online for anyone to download and read. I even had a company produce paperback books that people could buy.

And they did.

People actually bought the book. Lots of people. The reviews were wonderful, and after two weeks, the book hit the New York Times bestsellers chart! It was a whirlwind when I started getting emails from literary agents who wanted to represent me. Landon and Brooke helped me decide which agency to go with, and once the contract was signed, my book was sent to the top publishing houses in New York City. By the end of the year, my book was no longer self-published; instead, it was being published by none other than Simon & Schuster.

My life changed overnight—literally—and Landon was so proud and supported me wholeheartedly. All of a sudden, I wasn’t just a stay-at-home mom, but a published, bestselling author. I even hired Brooke as my full-time assistant, which I have way too much fun with.

It’s been three years since the release of my first book, and I’ve published several more since then. I’ve written a number of typical, alpha male-driven romances; it’s time to do something different though. But for the past two weeks, I write and delete, write and delete, write and delete. I’m driving myself crazy. I made the decision to take a break from writing until next week. I’m scheduled to appear at a book signing this weekend in Las Vegas, and a few of my friends who are also authors will be in attendance as well. I plan to let loose and not even think about this book until I get back.

“I am so exhausted,” Landon sighs as he kicks off his shoes and then falls back onto the bed. “But I have some news for you.”

After pulling my suitcase from the closet, I set it next to Landon and open it. “What’s the news?”

“Damon got a call from the New York Times.”

I stop in my tracks with a handful of clothes in my arms and look at him as he tries to play it cool. “The New York Times?”

He nods, and I toss the clothes on the bed. My jaw drops before repeating with growing elation. “The freakin’ New York Times? Oh, my God, Landon!”

His smile grows, and I jump onto the bed, taking his face in my hands. “This is amazing.”

I straddle him when he sits up, and with his arms wrapped around my waist, he laughs under his breath at my display of excitement. “They’re sending a critic to do a write-up. If he likes the food, this could be huge for the restaurant.”

“What do you mean ‘if’? Of course he’ll like the food; you and Damon are amazing chefs.” I lean in and kiss my husband, who has worked so Copyright 2016 - 2024