Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,76

night of it in the October room?" I had no right to sound annoyed, but that's how my tone came out.

"I thought Henry was going to stay with you. When he came back to the October room I worried. It was your first vampire party. I came downstairs to check on you and saw you leaving with some guy I'd never seen before. So I followed you."

Tears gathered in my eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Noel nodded.

"Aurora, I'm sorry I told Fane. I didn't know what else to do."

"You did the right thing. Does anyone else know? Henry? Marcus?"

"No, of course not. Marcus thinks Renard was stalking you."

I shuddered. "He was."

"Right, but not for the reasons Marcus think. Unfortunately, it happens even under normal circumstances. A vampire obsesses over a human, stalks her, kills her... that's why the agents need us."

I touched the bandage on my neck.

Noel cleared her throat. "How are you feeling?"

"Better... now."

Noel didn't mention the blood again.

"Why are you going after Fane?" she asked. "Can't he handle himself? I mean, he's a vampire."

"But he's not a killer. I am."

Noel pulled up to Marcus's townhouse slowly. She dropped her head.

"I can't go in with you, Aurora."

"I know." I started to get out and stopped. "Thanks again. For following me. If you hadn't I'd be dead."

Noel smiled. "No problem. Do you still need a place to crash tonight?"

I shook my head. "No. See you at school?"


I waved as Noel drove off. I took a deep breath and headed for the door to the palace. I didn't know what I'd expected inside. Blood and mayhem, maybe. But everything was the way I'd left it before the abduction. Guests milled around the living room in cozy clusters, drinks poised in one hand.

Once I walked through the front door, Marcus came over to greet me as though it was natural that I should return bandaged at the throat.

I followed him into the empty kitchen. He took a bottle of whiskey from a cupboard and pulled out a crystal drinking glass.

"Something to dull the pain?"

"No, thank you."

Marcus poured a small amount of whiskey into the glass and tossed it back.

I ran a hand along the smooth granite countertop. "Where's Fane?"

Marcus licked his lips in one slow, languid motion before answering. "You should have told me that you were with Francesco. I'll admit, I didn't want to bite you before, but now that it is forbidden..." Marcus's grin widened.

"Where is he?"

Marcus poured another splash of whiskey into the crystal glass and pushed it toward me. "Disposing of some trash."

My breath caught. "Renard and Greg?"

Marcus screwed the top on the whiskey bottle and returned it to the cupboard. "No one abducts a guest from my home. Not without consequences."

I pushed away from the oven. "I need to help him."

"He has help."

"No, I need to take care of it."

Marcus looked me over and chuckled. "You are unusual, Aurora, but I like unusual. It's already taken care of."

"What do you mean?"

Marcus reached toward me. I flinched, but he was only grabbing the whiskey glass. He swirled it in his hand.

"I have a special room. I call it my music room. Only certain types are shown the music room. Those who misbehave. Renard and Greg got the personal tour earlier."

My mouth hung open. "You mean...? You?"

Marcus lifted the glass to his nose and inhaled. His lashes fluttered and lips puckered. "I do still enjoy a killing on occasion. When they deserve it, of course."

I willed myself not to shudder. One day, I might be asked to the music room. I suppose the only notes one produced in there was a high-pitched shriek.

"And the bodies?"

Marcus's lip curled. "A dirty task...disposal. Francesco, Henry, and Gavin are taking care of it." Marcus finished off the whiskey.

"I should go."

"Stay. They will be back shortly."

I looked at the floor then at Marcus. "I'm sorry for the trouble."

Marcus's eyes sparkled. "So polite. I like this."

He reached for my hair and let it slide across his open palm.

"Thing of beauty; heart of darkness. I see you." He stepped closer. "I see you, Aurora." His voice evened out as he moved away from me. "You should come by more often. The door is always open to you."

I waited inside the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to sit in the living room with the crowd of revelers. Marcus killed Renard and Greg. It was a relief. They were dead. I didn't have to do it. Fane was safe.

I tapped my foot on the oak floor. The sound was Copyright 2016 - 2024