Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,75


"Who's this?" Joss repeated.

No one answered.

"I have gauze and Hydrogen Peroxide," Noel said.

"Good. Clean out the wounds on her stomach and thigh. I'll take care of her wrists and neck."

Noel paused to look at Fane.

His eyes narrowed. "Noel, I've got it."

They pulled the rags off. Noel swabbed at my stomach. My eyes fluttered.

Fane stopped wrapping one of my wrists and placed a hand on my cheek. "Stay with me, Aurora."

He held my gaze for several beats before returning to my wrists.

Once the blood was cleaned up, Fane wrapped my wounds in gauze.

He peeled back a large square bandage for my neck, pressing firmly as he smoothed it over my raw skin.

Noel looked me over. "Aurora, are you okay?"

"No," Fane said. "She shouldn't talk. Tell me who else was behind this and where I can find them."

Noel wrung her hands. "It was a vampire going around calling himself William at Marcus's place. He came alone, but I saw him leave with two others in a tan Buick. I called Marcus when I got the bandages, and he confirmed that they had just returned to the party. He said that the guy calling himself William is wearing the red scarf Aurora had on earlier."

Joss huffed. "Marcus."

Fane tensed his jaw. "Does Marcus know Aurora's an assassin?"


"Good. What does this William look like?"

"I believe his name's really Renard. He came after Aurora after she..." Noel glanced from me to Fane. "Offed an acquaintance of his in Fairbanks."

"Bloody hell," Joss said.

Fane stood. "I'll be back."

Joss stepped in his way. "Don't do this, Francesco."

Fane glanced back at me. "As long as this guy's breathing, Aurora's not safe."

Joss moved in step with Fane as he tried to sidestep him. "I won't let you do this."

Fane slipped around him. "Take care of her."

I reached a hand out to stop him, but no one saw. Fane slammed the door behind him.

"Hell! Bloody hell! Bloody hell!" Joss bellowed. "He's going to get himself bloody killed. And for what purpose? To save a bloody vampire hunter." He turned and looked at me. "Is she truly one of those newfangled vampire hunters?"

Joss looked at Noel suddenly. "Are you?"

"No," Noel said. "I'm an informant."

"Bloody brilliant. Francesco leaves me behind with an assassin and a spy."

Noel shrugged.

"Can't you get her out of here?"

Noel's forehead wrinkled. "I need to get her to one of our doctors. Could you help me move her to my car?"

"You want me to touch her?"

"Her skin can't infect you."

"I'm still not getting anywhere near her."

"Come on," Noel said, losing patience. "I need help."

Finally I managed to sit upright. "No," I croaked.

Noel and Joss looked at me.

"I have to help Fane."

Noel's face loosened up. She came to my side. "Aurora, we have to get you on base. You've lost a lot of blood. You may need another transfusion."

"Oh, great," Joss said. "Fill her up with more of your toxins."

"No," I said.

"Can you get up?" Noel asked.



If I shared the same blood type as vampires, wouldn't it stand to reason that consuming human blood would rejuvenate me?

"Bring me blood."

Noel looked at Joss as though he might be able to decipher my request. "I don't understand."

Joss studied my face a moment. "I believe your friend is requesting blood."

"You mean she wants to..." Noel's eyes widened.

Joss looked at us both darkly. "Drink blood."
Chapter 26 Cravings
Joss turned and disappeared. He reemerged with a tall clear glass. No porcelain mug masking the contents. He handed it to me from two feet away and retracted his hand once I took it. He and Noel watched me.

Here went nothing.

I took the first sip. My brain told me to gag, but I didn't. I took a second sip and then a third. The taste was exquisite, like a thick milkshake triggering an instant boost. I guzzled down the rest. The blood coated my throat and slid down my esophagus.

I could feel it flowing through my veins, filling me with life and vitality. My heart beat out a blissful rhythm. I licked the last of it off my lips.

I stood. "Noel, take me back to Marcus's house."

"Aurora," Noel said slowly. "You just drank blood."

"Self-administered transfusion," I said.

I didn't want to think about what it meant. Not now. Not with Fane's life at stake.

I zipped my pants up. "Let's go."

Noel glanced at Joss.

"He's not coming," I said.

Noel's Volvo was parked on the street. I climbed in and stared out the windshield at the silent neighborhood. "How did you find me?"

Noel started the car. "I followed you."

"You didn't want to make a Copyright 2016 - 2024