Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,68

it, this mission's simple. Anyway, it's your first week at a new school."

"I wouldn't mind," I said. "It's not like I get to travel anywhere else. Might as well get a glimpse of the back country."

"I wouldn't worry about that too much."

I shrugged. "Well, best of luck saving the town of Kotzebue. Don't forget to pack your mukluks."

"Right, I'll bring you back some seal meat."

I smacked Dante's shoulder, and he smacked me back. Mom grinned. I hadn't seen her this happy in too long.

Parts of me felt content. Other parts felt broken. The most important lesson I'd learned over the past couple months was to be strong. Sometimes, that meant laughing with company even with a heart split in two.

"Pssst," Noel said the next day in film class.

I raised a brow. She was seated beside me, and class hadn't started yet, so there was still a lot of noise as students walked in and settled into their seats. She must've been in a good mood because she wasn't all hooded as she tended to be when she was acting moody.

"Marcus is having a party Saturday night. He mentioned there are a couple vamps in town from Fairbanks who might show."

My heart began thumping.

"No one by the name you mentioned, but maybe I can find out something from these other two - Greg and James."

I tapped my pen over my notebook. "It's worth a shot."

I'd finally get a chance to meet Marcus.

Maybe Fane would show up.

Scratch that. That wasn't the reason I lied to my mom on Saturday afternoon about sleeping over at Noel's so we could stay up late working on a film project.

It would have been so much easier if I had been teaming up with Dante. Mom would have handed us party hats and said, "Have a good time. Stay out as late as you want."

I didn't have time for my mom's hang ups. I had responsibilities. Besides, maybe with a bit of sleuthing, Noel and I could figure out where Renard was holed up. That would show the agents just how valuable we newbies could be.

I don't know what Marcus did for money, but bank robbery wasn't out of the question. He had a tall two-story townhouse overlooking the inlet, and everything from the floor to the furniture to the decor to the lighting was magnificent.

Noel and I entered through a massive hand-carved wooden door with a panel of etched glass on each side and walked in over large slabs of sand-colored stone. I felt like Dorothy walking down the yellow brick road.

"Is this like the VIP Vamp party," I whispered to Noel. "You didn't prepare me for this."

Noel smiled. "How could I?"

There was a large open layout from the entrance to a kitchen that looked down into a massive living room several steps down. Artwork hung from the walls, and statues sat on pieces of furniture that were just as beautiful and unique as the objects they supported.

"Joyeux, Noel! There you are."

A man in a black and white floral silk shirt and white pants walked over and kissed Noel on each cheek. His hair was luscious. It flipped off his forehead and tapered off under his ears.

"Hello, Marcus."

He looked me over. "And who is this?"

"I'm a new student at West," I stammered. "But You know?"

"What is your name?"


Marcus's eyes lit up. "Noel and Aurora. I like this. My dark haired duet." He reached out and took some of my hair in his hand.

I glanced sideways at Noel.

"Nice, very nice, but I do not like this scarf. You must not hide your neck. There is nothing as beautiful as...the neck."

I stared transfixed into Marcus's pale blue eyes as he spoke.

He turned back to Noel. "It is good you brought her here. Now make sure she has a good time."

"Yes, Marcus."

Once he'd moved away and I was able to breathe again, Noel took my arm. She led me to the kitchen. The cabinets were made of solid oak with custom iron handles. No two were the same. All of the appliances were stainless steel surrounded by granite countertops. Champagne flowed from a small silver fountain on the counter.

This was more like it.

I'd take the high-class assignments over boarded-up shacks in rundown neighborhoods any day. I couldn't imagine anyone foul enough to be friends with Ivo turning up to this grand affair. Guess I'd just have to enjoy myself and see if I could pick up any information.

"Champagne?" Noel asked, looking at the empty glasses on a silver Copyright 2016 - 2024