Aurora Sky Vampire Hunter - By Nikki Jefford Page 0,67

so we could get bitten together."

"But you didn't?"

"Not that time. I chickened out. It comes as a shock the first time you see it. Anyway, I didn't get another chance to try know, I was recruited."

"You mean before you went into critical condition?"

Noel was quiet.

"How did it happen?"

She slouched further down in the driver's seat. "Trust me. It's not something you want to know about."

"But I do."

Noel remained quiet.

"I mean, unless you don't want me to." Which, judging from her continued silence, must have been the case. It was odd. I didn't recall hearing anything about a sophomore nearly dying the year before, whereas my accident was the talk of the school.

It was easy enough to change the subject.

I leaned over. "Did Melcher tell you that an informant was killed in Fairbanks?"

Noel's mouth hung open a moment. "No. Did a vampire get them?"

"Yeah, and now he's looking for me and Dante."

Noel stepped on the brake a bit roughly at the next stoplight. "What happened?"

"We did a job in Fairbanks recently, and someone at the party mentioned us to the dead vampire's friend."

"What's his name?"

"Renard. Supposedly he's headed this way. Maybe he's already here."

"Should you be going out?"

I gave a half shrug. "It's not like he knows my name or anything."

"I'll keep my eyes and ears open."


I stared out the window.

Noel cleared her throat. "Sorry you had to break up with Fane."

"It's for the best," I said halfheartedly. "Although I'm still trying to figure out why Valerie gets to be with him."

"And go to Denali."

"Valerie's a bitch."

"You don't need to tell me twice."

"You know we'll be school mates again soon?"

Noel jolted up in her seat. "We will?"

"Tomorrow, I'm enrolling at West High."

"You are? That's great. Why? I mean, I'm so happy, but why are you transferring? This is your senior year."

"I can't go to Denali anymore. Not with Valerie moving in on Fane. I'd end up doing something stupid like attacking her in the halls. Anyway, my old friends have dropped me."

Noel considered this and nodded slowly. "I guess it's time we both started fresh."

"Does it take you long to drive to school?"

"I'm rooming with a couple girls near school. They're early twenties, work most evenings. They leave me alone."

"Are your parents not in Anchorage?"

"They are."

"Did you turn into a wild child after the transfusion?" I asked.

"Something like that."

Noel's voice was barely above a whisper. I had to strain to hear her.

I nodded. "I had a similar experience, only in my case, it was a parent who left the house - my father."

Noel perked up. "Really?"

"Yep. He's still MIA."

"Maybe it's selfish of me, but I'm really glad you'll be going to West," Noel said.

"Thanks." I shrugged. "School's school, I guess."

"And now it'll be easier to spend time with Marcus."

"Who is this Marcus you keep mentioning, anyway?"

Noel grinned. "A vampire. A really hot one. He's not dangerous or anything."

"Has he ever bitten you before?"

"I wish. Anyway, you just have to meet him and see for yourself."

I wasn't particularly in the mood to meet any more irresistibly hot vampires. Pit me against the nasties. That dynamic was cut and dry. Literally. At least those ones didn't rip out your heart.
Chapter 24 Champagne And Blood
It was a surreal sensation, walking through the halls of a new school. I remembered what a nerve-wracking change high school seemed like during the first days of freshman year. Now it was not so much a big step as new territory.

I managed to get into a fifth period film elective with Noel so at least I'd see one familiar face during my day.

Mom invited Dante over for dinner after my first day at West. He brought over a bottle of sparkling apple cider, which my mom drank instead of soda. She hummed as she filled three champagne flutes and handed them out.

"So your classes are all right and the students seem cool?" Dante asked.

"Roger that, Dante."

Dante smacked his fist on the table. "That's the spirit!"

"Yeah, yeah, but enough about me," I said. "How's your semester going at the ol' U of A?"

"I have a good mix of easy and difficult classes. Need to allow time for the extracurricular activities." Dante winked.

Mom giggled as though we were all in on the joke. "Do you get called to duty very often?" she asked.

"Not that much, though this is turning into a busy year. The agents are sending me to Kotzebue this weekend."

"What's happening in Kotzebue?" I asked.

"There's a rabid vampire terrorizing the village."

"Do you need my help?"

"Much as I'd like Copyright 2016 - 2024