The Claiming Of Sleeping Beauty(63)

"At once I was in the circle of light, my eyes hurt by it for the moment, and then I saw my trainer's high-heeled boots coming nearer. In a moment of impetuousness, I rushed to her and kissed both her shoes at once. The Court gave a loud murmur of approval.

"I continued to shower her with kisses, and I thought, 'My evil Lynette, my strong, cruel Lynette, you are my Queen now.' It was as if my passion were a fluid that coursed through all my limbs, not only my swollen cock. I arched my back and spread my legs every so slightly without even being told to do so.

"At once the spanks commenced. But clever little demon that she was, she said, 'Prince Alexi, you will show your Queen that you are a very quick-witted pet, and you shall answer all my commands with your compliance. And you shall answer all my questions, too, with perfect courtesy.'

"So I would have to speak. I felt the blood rush to my face. But she gave no time for my terror, and I said with a quick nod of the head, 'Yes, my Princess,' to a murmur of the audience's approval.

"She was strong as I have told you. She could spank much harder than the Queen, and as hard as ever the kitchen boys of the stable boys had spanked me. I knew she meant to leave me sore if nothing else, because immediately she gave me several loud cracks, and she had that knack which some of our punishers have of lifting the bu**ocks with the paddle as she spanked them.

"'To that stool, there,' she commanded at once, 'at a squat with your knees wide apart and your hands behind your neck, now!' And she drove me at once to obey as I hopped up on the stool and with a great but quick effort managed to secure my balance. It was that same miserable squatting position in which my stable boy Lord had punished me. And all the Court could now see my genitals displayed if they hadn't seen them before.

"'Turn around slowly,' she commanded, in order to show me to all eyes, 'so the Lords and Ladies can see the little pet that performs for them tonight!' and again she gave me numerous exquisite cracks of the paddle. There was a sprinkling of applause from the little crowd, and the sounds of wine being poured, and no sooner had I executed a complete turn, the slapping of the paddle ringing in my ears, then she ordered me to make a quick turn around the little stage on all fours with my chin and chest on the ground as I had done for her earlier.

"It was here I had to remind myself of my intentions. I rushed fast to obey, arching my back, my knees apart, yet moving swiftly as the heels of her boots clicked beside me and my bu**ocks were writing under her blows. I did not try to hold their muscles still, but let them tense, let my hips even rise and fall as they were inclined to do, shrinking from the blows, yet receiving them. And as I moved along the white marble floor, the room a blur of faces over me, I felt this is my natural state, this is what I am, there is nothing before me or after me. I could hear the responses of the Court; they laughed at this miserable position, and there was a growing excitement to their talk. The little performance had them much engaged, jaded as they were. I was being admired for my abandon. I groaned with each crack of the paddle without even thinking to stop it. I let the groans come freely, and arched my back to even greater degree.

"And when the task was complete and I was again driven into the center of the circle, I heard applause around me.

"My cruel trainer didn't pause. She commanded me at once to hop upon another stool, and from that stool to one that was even higher. I squatted on each in turn, and when her spanks caught me my hips moved forward with them without restraint and my moans, my natural moans, were surprisingly loud to me.

"'Yes, my Princess,' I said after each command, and my voice sounded tremulous to me, though deep, and full of suffering. 'Yes, my Princess,' I said again as she ordered me finally to stand before her, legs wide apart and slowly squat until I had achieved the height of which she approved. Then I must jump through the first hoop, hands behind my neck and somehow manage to squat again for her. 'Yes, my Princess,' I said and obeyed at once, and then through another hoop and another with the same compliance. I was agile and without the slightest shame, though my penis and balls moved ungracefully with my exertions.

"Her blows grew harder, less regular. My moans were very loud and sudden and provoked much laughter.

"And when she commanded me now to jump up and grab the bar of the trapeze in both hands, I felt the tears come purely from my stress and exhaustion. I hung from the trapeze as she paddles me, driving me back and forth, and then commanded me to twist and catch the chains above with my feet.

"This was quite impossible and as I struggled to obey, the hall echoed with laughter. Felix stepped forward and at once lifted my ankles until I was swinging as she had wished and I had to bear her spanks in this position.

"And as soon as she tired of this, I was ordered to drop to the ground, at which point she came forward with a long thin leather strap, and buckling the end of it around my penis, she now pulled me, on my knees towards her. I had never been so led or pulled before, by the very root of my cock, and my tears flowed copiously. My whole body was hot and trembling, and my hips were being tugged ahead of me so that no thought of grace could possibly exist even had I the presence of mind for it. She pulled me to the Queen's feet, and then turning, pulled me along, running on her clicking heels so that I struggled and groaned and cried behind my closed lips to keep up with her.

"I was wretched. The circle seemed endless. The strap around my penis constricted it, and my bu**ocks were so painfully tender now that they ached even when she was not striking them.

"But we'd soon completed the circle. I knew she had exhausted her inventiveness. She had relied upon my disobedience and reluctance, and encountering none, her show lacked any real feature save my complete obedience.

"But she had now a subtle test for me for which I was unprepared.

"She ordered me to stand up, spread my legs and then place my hands flat on the floor before her. I did so, my bu**ocks facing the Queen and the Grand Duke, a position that again, even in the midst of this, reminded me of my nakedness.

"She put aside her paddle, and picked her favorite toy then, the leather strap, and gave my legs a heavy strapping on both thighs and calves, letting the leather curl about me, and ordered me to move forward a few inches so that I might place my chin upon a high stool there. My hands must go behind my back, my back must be arched. I did as I was told and stood, spread-legged, bent at the waist, my face tipped up for all to see my miserable expression.

"As you can imagine my bu**ocks hung free in the air, and she commenced to shower them with compliments. 'Very pretty hips, Prince Alexi, very pretty bu**ocks, tough and round and muscular, and very pretty indeed when you squirm to escape my strap and my paddle.' She illustrated all this as I did with her strap, and I was crying softly now between my moans.

"It was then she gave a command which surprised me. 'But the Court wants to see you display your bu**ocks. They want to see you move them,' she said. 'Not merely to escape the punishment you so richly deserve and richly need, but to see some real show of humility.' I didn't know what she meant. She spanked me hard as if I meant to be stubborn, while I answered through my tears, 'Yes, my Princess.' 'But you do not obey!' she cried out. She had commenced what she really wanted, and as soon as she said this, I began to sob in spite of myself. What could I say to her? 'I want to see your bu**ocks move, Prince,' she said. 'I want to see them dance, while your feet remain still.' I heard the Queen laugh. And suddenly overcome with shame and fear, I knew the seemingly small thing she wanted of me was too much for me. I move my hips, I moved them from side to side as she spanked me and my chest shook with another sob that I could scarce keep quiet.

"'No, Prince, nothing so simple as that, a real dance for the Court,' she said, 'your reddened and punished bu**ocks must do something besides sleep under my blows!' and she placed her hands on my hips then and slowly moved them not only from side to side, but down and around and up, so that I had to bend my knees. She rotated them. It seems a small thing as I say it. But to me it was unspeakably shameful, to have to swing my hips and rotate them, to put all my strength and spirit into this seemingly vulgar display of my bu**ocks. And yet she commanded. 'Bend your knees deeper, I want to see a dance,' she said with a loud wallop of her strap. 'Bend your knees and move those hips more to the side, more to the left!' her voice rose angrily. 'You resist me, Prince Alexi, you don't amuse!' she said, and rained her smacking wallops on me as I strove to obey. 'Move!' she cried out. She was triumphing. All my composure was truly lost. She knew it.

"'So you dare reserve yourself in the presence of the Queen and her Court,' she scolded me, and then with both her hands she pulled my hips this way and that, making a greater rotation. I could endure it no longer. There was but one way to best her and that was to twist in this shameful position more wildly even than she guided me. And shaking with choked sobs, I obeyed her. There was immediate applause as I did this dance, my bu**ocks twisted from side to side and up and down, my knees bending deeply, my back arched, my chin resting painfully on the stool so all could see the tears coursing down my face, and my obvious destruction of spirit.

"'Yes, Princess,' I struggled to articulate in my supplicating voice, and I obeyed with all my strength putting on such a good performance that the applause continued.

"'That's good, Prince Alexi, very good,' she said. 'Spread your legs wider apart, wider and move your hips even more!' I obeyed at once. I was now snapping my hips, and I was overcome with the greatest shame I had known since I had been captured and brought to the castle. Not even the first stripping by the soldiers in the field, not even being thrown over the Captain's saddle, nor the raping in the kitchen compared to the degradation I knew now, because I performed all this gracelessly and obsequiously.

"Finally, she was finished with my little display. The Lords and Ladies were talking among themselves, commenting, talking of all manner of things as they always do at such things, but the murmur was full of a certain restlessness, which meant their passions were aroused, and I did not have to look up to see they were all looking at the central circle no matter how they might have feigned boredom. Princess Lynette now ordered me to turn slowly, keeping my chin in the center of the stool, but moving my legs in a circle, all the while swinging my bu**ocks, so that all the Court might see this display of obedience equally.

"My own sobs were deafening to me. I struggled to obey without losing my balance. If I flagged in the slightest with the broad rotation of my bu**ocks, the Princess had an opportunity again to upbraid me.

"Finally, she raised her voice and announced to the Court that we had here an obedient Prince capable of even more imaginative amusements in the future. The Queen clapped her hands. The assembly could now rise and disperse, but they did so very slowly, and Princess Lynette, to continue the performance for the very last onlookers, quickly ordered me to grasp the trapeze over my head, and as she spanked me relentlessly, I was ordered to lift my chin and to march in place on my toes for her.

"Pain shot through my calves and thighs, but the worst as always was the burning and swelling of my bu**ocks. Yet I marched with my chin up as the hall emptied. The Queen had gone first. Finally all the Lords and Ladies were gone.