The Claiming Of Sleeping Beauty(61)

"When she slapped my ni**les and my cock, and lifted my balls in her hands, I felt the tears flowing, and overcome with shame I groaned unable to conceal it. It was an astonishing moment of pain and pleasure. My bu**ocks were raw.

"But she had only just begun. She ordered the other Princesses to lift my legs in front of me. I felt terror to feel myself hanging from the chain above me. They did not bind my ankles to my arms; they merely held them up, in place, as she brought her blows up from under, as hard as before, and then covering my balls with her left hand, paddled me from the front as hard as she could as I struggled and moaned now uncontrollably.

"Meantime the other girls were feasting their eyes on me, touching me still, and enjoying my misery immensely. They even kissed the backs of my legs, my calves, my shoulders.

"But the blows came harder and faster. She had me set down again, spread wide again, and went to work in earnest. I think she meant to break the skin if she could, but I was now broken down and wept uncontrollably.

"This was what she wanted, and as I gave in, she applauded it. 'Very good, Prince Alexi, very good, let all of that spiteful pride go, you know very well you deserve it. That's better, that is exactly what I want to see,' she said almost affectionately, 'delicious tears,' as she touched them with her fingers, her paddle never stopping.

"Then she had my hands released. I was forced down on all fours. And she drove me about the room telling me that I must move in a circle. Of course she drove me faster and faster. I didn't even realize now that I was no longer restrained. That is, I did not even realize that I might have broken and run. I had been defeated. And finally, it was as always when the punishment works, I could think of nothing but escaping each blow of her paddle. And how could I do that? Merely twist, squirm, try to avoid it. She was meantime very worked up with her commands, driving me faster. I rushed past the naked feet of the other Princesses. I saw them step aside for me.

"And now she told me that crawling was indeed too good for me, that I must place my arms on the ground, and my chin, and must inch along in that manner, my bu**ocks high in the air where she might paddle them. 'Arch your back,' she said, 'down, I want your chest pressed to the ground,' and as skillfully as any Page or mistress, she forced me along as the others praised her and marveled at her skill and stamina. I had never been in such a position. It was so ignominious I didn't want to picture it, my knees scraping along, my back painfully arched, my bu**ocks thrust as high as before. And she commanding me always to move with greater speed as my bu**ocks grew ever more raw. They were throbbing as the blood throbbed in my ears. And my tears were now blinding me.

"And it was then that that moment came I spoke of earlier. I belonged to this girl with the flaxen hair, this impudent, clever Princess who herself was punished as shamefully as I was day in and day out but for the moment could do as she wished with me. I struggled along, glimpsing Lord Gregory's boots, the boots of the grooms, hearing the girls' laughter. I reminded myself that I must please the Queen, I must please Lord Gregory, and finally I must please my cruel flaxen-haired mistress.

"She paused for breath. She exchanged her paddle for a leather strap and proceeded to lash me.

"At first it felt weaker than the paddle, and I felt a merciful relief. But she immediately learned to swing it with such strength it walloped the welts on my bu**ocks. Now she let me stop so she might feel these welts. She pinched them, and in the silence I could hear my own low crying.

"'I think he is ready, Lord Gregory,' said the Princess, and Lord Gregory said softly, he thought that I was. I thought it meant I would be returned to the Queen.

"This was very foolish of me.

"It was only that I would now be lashed swiftly into the Hall of Punishments. Of course there were a handful of Princesses chained from the ceiling, their legs tied up in front of them. Now she brought me up to the first of these.

"She told me to rise and to spread my legs very wide as I stood before her. I saw the captive Princess's pained face, her blushing cheeks, and then her naked and moist sex peering shyly from its wreath of golden pubic hair, much ready for pleasure or more pain, after days of teasing. But it hung low, at the level of my chest, I suppose, and that was like my tormentor liked it.

"For she ordered me to bend over towards it, and to thrust my hips out behind me. 'Give me your bu**ocks,' she said. She stood behind me. The other girls pulled my legs wider than I myself could spread them. Again I was told to arch my back and to put my arms around the bound and doubled Princess slave hanging in front of me.

"'Now you will pleasure her with your tongue,' said my captor, 'and see you do it well as she has suffered long, and for not even half your clumsiness.'

"I looked at the bound Princess. She was mortified, though desperately hungry for pleasure. And I pressed my face into her sweet, hungry little sex, rather eager to pleasure her. But as my tongue delved into her swollen cleft, as I licked her little clitoris, and her swollen lips, I was walloped by the belt continuously. My flaxen-haired one chose one welt after another for her work, and I was in great pain as the bound Princess finally shuddered with pleasure in spite of herself.

"Of course, there were others who had been punished enough and now must be rewarded. I did my work as best I could, finding a refuge in it.

"And then with a panic I saw there were no more to be rewarded. I was again at the hands of my captor with nothing so sweet as a bound Princess in my arms.

"And again, my chest and chin pressed to the floor, I struggled along on my knees under the wallops of her strap back to the Special Punishment Hall.

"Now all the Princesses begged Lord Gregory to make me pleasure them, but Lord Gregory silenced them at once. They had their Lords and Ladies to serve, and he would not hear one word from them unless they wanted to be hung from the ceiling of the other Hall as they deserved.

"I was now taken away, and out into the garden. As the Queen ordered, I was taken to a large tree, and my hands were tied up high so that my feet barely touched the grass beneath them. It was growing dusk and I was left there.

"It had been excruciating, but I had obeyed, I had not run away, and there had come that moment. I was tormented now only by usual needs, my aching c**k which might not be rewarded for another day or more by the Queen due to her anger.

"But the garden was quiet, full of twilight sounds. The sky was purple and the trees were thickening with shadows. In a little while, they grew skeletal, the sky was white with evening, and then darkness fell around me.

"I had resigned myself to sleep in this manner. I was too far from the trunk of the tree to rub my miserable c**k against it, or I would have done this, tormented as I was, for whatever pleasure the friction could give me.

"And from habit more than training, its hardness would not die away. I remained stiff and tense as though expecting something.

"Then Lord Gregory appeared. He materialized out of the dark in his grey velvet, with the gold on the edge of his cloak gleaming. I saw the shimmer of his boots, and the dull sheen of the leather strap he carried. More punishment, I thought wearily, but I must obey. I am a slave Prince and there is nothing to be done for it. Pray I have grace to bear it in silence and without struggling.

"But he drew close to me and commenced to talk to me. He told me I had comported myself very well and asked me if I knew the name of the Princess who had tormented me. I said 'No, my Lord,' respectfully taking some relief that I had pleased him. He is very hard to please. Harder than the Queen.

"He then told me her name was Princess Lynette, and she was new and had made a great impression on everyone. She was the personal slave of the Grand Duke Andre. 'What is this to me,' I thought, 'I serve the Queen.' But he asked me pleasantly enough if I had found her pretty. I winced. How could I help it? I could remember her br**sts well enough when she pressed them to me while her paddle made me smart and groan. I could remember her dark blue eyes for the one or two instants when I had not been too ashamed to look at them. 'I don't know, my Lord. I would think she would not be here,' I said, 'were she not pretty.'

"For that impertinence, he gave me at least five rapid cracks with his belt. I was sore enough to be immediately in tears. He has often said that if he had his way, he would keep all slaves that sore always. Then their bu**ocks would be so tender that all he would have to do was stroke them with a feather. But as I stood there, my arms stretched painfully above me, my body pushed off balance by his blows, I was aware that he was particularly angered and fascinated by me. Why else would he come here to torment me? He had a castle of slaves to torment. It gave me some strange satisfaction.