The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,69

and hung down her back in a glorious halo of burnished curls. Flushed with discomfort her face was the creamy rose of a healthy complexion. For a moment he stared down at the quaking figure with admiration, but when his eyes touched her blue-green ones his anger was rekindled.

"You gave me your word you wouldn't leave Weathersfield!" he barked. "I find it unpardonable that you should break it."

"I didn't!" Cara shouted back at him, insulted that he should mistrust her so. "You made me promise that I would not steal a horse. And I didn't," she finished triumphantly.

"You are the most infuriatingly annoying young woman it has ever been my misfortune to meet!"

"And you, sir, are the most arrogant, insensitive person that I have ever known!"

Cara flung away from Julian, moving back against the wooden railing of the gazebo. Her chest rose and fell with the rush of emotion racing through her veins at his presence. Peeking at Julian through the lacy network of her eyelashes, she acknowledged that his face was slightly haggard but despite that he was so handsome that Cara felt her heart swell with pride.

"Why aren't you still at Weathersfield? How did you get here?" Julian's questions shot out rapidly permitting no reply. "And what the Devil are you doing in the Duchess' gardens?"

"You seem to have forgotten, Lord Wilton, that I came to your employ through the helpful services of the Duchess. She sent for me not long after you left Weathersfield."

"I had forgotten; so much has happened since that time." Julian ran his hand through his hair in agitation. He seemed distracted for all his anger. His face was baffled as well as furious. In frustration he grasped her arm, pulling her towards a bench along the side of the tiny structure.

"Sit down, Cara." Julian spoke harshly but despite the fierceness of voice his hands were gentle as he pushed her onto the bench. "I must talk with you. It may be the last chance we'll ever have."

Cara's heart jolted with the pain of his words. The interview with her grandmother must have gone very badly indeed. She had hoped at least for some kind of hearing but by his words it was evident that Julian had made up his mind to reject her. In agony she stared at her hands praying for the strength to endure the discussion with some dignity. But it was so difficult, she thought, biting her trembling lip. She loved Julian so much that the thought of never seeing him again was almost more than she could bear.

"I asked the Duchess to begin annulment proceedings."

Julian flung himself away from Cara as though her very presence was repugnant to him. As he paced back and forth in front of her, Cara's mind refused to take in any of his other words. Her heart felt as though it were breaking at his harsh statement. She had expected him to be angry but she had always held out some hope that he would show some understanding.

In a small voice she asked, "Is there no hope for us?"

"No!" The bald syllable tore across Cara's heart and for a moment blackness engulfed her. Fighting against the swoon, she tried to sit straighter but her whole body trembled at his next words.

"The Duchess has suggested that you be sent back to America on one of the ships belonging to her family."

"Oh no," Cara wailed. At least she had hoped to be able to stay in England. Somehow she might even see Julian, although his offended behavior gave her little encouragement that their future meetings would be anything but coldly formal.

"You will leave as soon as arrangements can be made," Julian rasped out.

Keeping her head bent Cara was able to stem the tears that threatened to overflow. Although inwardly shattered, she attempted to salvage a little of her pride.

"And the children?" she whispered.

"I know the children love you. It will be horrible for them but they're young and will get over it."

Cara was silent, aghast at the disaster she had created with her scheming. To lose Julian was to lose her life and now even the children would be gone.

Fidgeting in the silence, Julian finally burst out, "You can see that there is no other way. We can not be together in the same household."

Cara flinched at his cutting words and glanced up at the face of the man who was her whole world. Julian's features were distorted with anger and has hands flexed as though Copyright 2016 - 2024