The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,68

was terrified that this same marriage might be terminated.

All in all the older woman was well pleased. It appeared that the child must have some sort of feeling for Julian. Although Cara had spoken of her fondness for the children, the Duchess could see the pain that crossed the girl's face when her husband's name was mentioned. There were some obvious gaps in Cara's story during which, Liela suspected, Julian had acted less than gentlemanly. Apparently he had drawn the line at actually compromising her granddaughter.

"Are you in love with Wilton?"

Cara's head snapped up. For a moment the Duchess expected she would answer in the negative. Then the girl sighed, settling herself on the soft carpeting in front of her grandmother.

"I'm afraid so, Gran," she whispered. "I love him with all my heart."

Smiling down at Cara's radiant face, the Duchess remembered her own impetuous romance. Her gnarled fingers smoothed the reddish curls away from the girl's soft white forehead. One beringed hand traced down the soft cheek and cupped the firm chin. "Then, my child, you'll just have to wait and see what we can do."

"But he'll be so angry." Cara winced imagining Julian's fury.

"Perhaps. Men are rarely amused by a woman's machinations.

Even though our manipulations are generally for their own good," she finished spiritedly. "At any rate there's no point in getting into a pother until we hear from Julian. No need to rush your fences."

The Duchess yawned, covering her mouth delicately with her blue-veined hands. Then she patted the girl once more.

"It's already past midnight, Cara. Tomorrow will be another day. Time then to resolve all these problems." Cara helped the old woman to her feet. "It will be pleasant dealing with your troubles in the daytime, my dear. Every time you appear I am kept much too late from my bed," she reproved, then her expression softened. "I have the feeling that no matter what tomorrow brings I will be pleased to have you here in England."

"Goodnight, Gran," Cara said kissing the wrinkled cheek. "I'm glad to be here with you, too. No matter what."

But Cara's brave words disappeared as she lay sleepless in her bed. Over and over she remembered Julian's fury and his insulting suggestions. No matter what happened she feared she would be unhappy with the outcome. The bright morning brought little relief to Cara's mind. She breakfasted with her grandmother but could barely swallow any of her food. The Duchess refused to discuss anything until after she had seen and talked to Julian. Until then Cara must be content to wait.

When he was announced, Cara was directed to the garden until the Duchess sent someone for her. The last thing she saw was the regal figure of her grandmother seated in a throne-like chair in the salon. The older woman was dressed in pearl-encrusted midnight blue silk. White lace ruffles at neck and wrists were spattered with brilliants and in her ring-covered hands she gripped a Malacca walking stick with an enormous ruby embedded in the top. She almost pitied Julian in his interview with the intimidating Duchess.

Cara strolled amid the flowerbeds hoping that the gentle beauty of her surroundings would ease the tension of the morning. Birds flitted from tree to tree and, as she rounded a bend in the walk, two rabbits streaked ahead of her, disappearing under a hedge. When she reached the gazebo she sank dispiritedly onto the cushioned seat.

For a while she tried to read the book of poetry she had brought with her but found that although her eyes skimmed the words on the page her brain refused to register their meaning. Finally she leaned her head against one of the pillars and closed her eyes.


The angry shout brought Cara instantly awake and she shook her head to clear the cobwebs that had coated her brain. Striding furiously along the path was Julian. The flash of fury on his face banished her hopes and she turned to flee.

Julian bounded up the steps, grasping Cara's wrist before she could get away. Whirling her around, he speared the girl with the intensity of his gaze. He caught his breath as he stared down at her. The baggy-dressed governess was gone and in her place was an exquisite creature he barely recognized.

Cara wore a celestial blue gauze frock, tied beneath her breasts with varicolored ribbons. The simple lines and clinging material emphasized the rounded curves of her body. Her hair, which Julian had seen only once, floated around her face Copyright 2016 - 2024