The Ambassador's Mission: Book One of th - By Trudi Canavan Page 0,168

in her seat and waited for the Higher Magicians to stop procrastinating.

She had tried to prevent bringing Cery into the Guild, but once it was known that others had helped her and Regin find the rogues, the Guild’s habit of exploring all sides to a situation had made it unavoidable. She had told them Cery was an old friend, not that he was a Thief. A few might make the connection to a Thief named Cery who had helped her and Akkarin during the Ichani Invasion, but most would have forgotten that detail in history. Those that preferred to ignore her part in the defeat of the invaders wouldn’t have paid attention to the names of her helpers, and the few who didn’t understood, she hoped, why she wanted to avoid too much attention being drawn to her old friend.

It was only Kallen, who paid too much attention to her already, who might make the connection and speak of it. But he was, if anything, discreet. He would not announce it to the entire Guild. He would consult with other Higher Magicians.

What annoyed Sonea was that bringing Cery in had proved nothing they didn’t already know. The woman was obviously a rogue. She had used magic in front of hundreds of people, including the Alchemist and Healer who had helped Sonea capture her. She had also used it in a vain attempt to resist the magicians who had taken her to her temporary prison, the Dome.

But the Guild, and most likely the king, were worried about offending a foreign land. Especially when they weren’t sure which land they might be offending.

Earlier in the meeting, an advisor of the king had brought maps and described some of the distant lands on them. The woman remained silent, refusing to answer when asked where she was from. The advisor had made a few guesses based on her appearance. If he was right, she made no sign.

“I cannot see any other option,” High Lord Balkan said, and there was a note of finality in his tone. “We must read her mind.”

Administrator Osen nodded. “Then I call on Black Magician Kallen and Black Magician Sonea to descend to the floor. Black Magician Kallen will read the mind of the unnamed rogue and Black Magician Sonea will read Forlie’s mind.”

Though she had been expecting this, Sonea felt a brief disappointment. There were many answers she would like to have from the foreign woman that she couldn’t ask Kallen to search for. Like whether the woman had killed Cery’s family.

Following Kallen down the stairs, she kept her gaze on Forlie. The woman had gone pale, and stared at Sonea with wide eyes.

“I’ll tell you everything,” Forlie blurted out. “You don’t have to read my mind.”

“Stupid woman,” a strangely accented voice said. “Don’t you know they can’t read your mind if you don’t want them to?”

Sonea turned to regard the foreign rogue, and realised that all of the magicians had done the same. The woman glanced from face to face, her expression changing as she read amusement and pity. Doubt and then fear crept into her eyes as Kallen stopped in front of her.

As he reached toward her, his arms were slapped away by magic.

Not wanting to watch the struggle, Sonea turned her attention back to Forlie, who flinched.

“I’m not a magician,” the woman said, looking from Sonea to the Higher Magicians. “I was made to lie. They said …they said they’d kill my daughter and her children if I told you.” She sucked in a shuddering breath, then burst into tears.

Sonea put a hand on her shoulder. “Do you know where they are?”

“I … I think so.”

“They don’t know you have told us anything yet. We’ll go get your children before they find out.”

“Th-thank you.”

“I’m afraid I do have to check that you’re telling the truth. I promise you, mind-reading doesn’t hurt. In fact, you won’t feel anything. You won’t even know I’m there. And I’ll be as quick as I can.”

Forlie stared at Sonea, then nodded.

Reaching out to gently touch the woman’s temples, Sonea sent her mind forth. Fear and anxiety washed over her as she touched the woman’s mind. She let herself waft into Forlie’s thoughts, which were of her daughter and two grandchildren, and the men who had taken them. Sonea recognised the man who had blackmailed Forlie – he was the roet-seller who had been with Forlie when she was captured.

Remembering that moment, Sonea recalled the magical force she’d felt come from Forlie. Copyright 2016 - 2024