The Ambassador's Mission: Book One of th - By Trudi Canavan Page 0,167

causing so much discomfort and risk for no reason.”

“It wasn’t for no reason,” Achati corrected. “You were obliged to search; I was obliged to help you. A young man could have been in danger. The fact that he wasn’t made our journey no less important.”

Dannyl nodded in gratitude for the Sachakan’s understanding. “I suppose I’m apologising on Lorkin’s behalf. I’m sure if he’d been able to tell us of his decision earlier he would have.”

“He may not have decided what he was going to do until just before he spoke to you.” Achati shrugged. “It was not a wasted trip. In fact, it has been educational, both in how Kyralians think and how you think. I made assumptions about your determination to find your assistant, for example. I thought it might … go beyond mere loyalty to a fellow magician and Kyralian.”

Dannyl looked up at Achati in surprise. “You thought we were …?”

“Lovers.” The man’s expression was serious now. He looked away. “My slave is young, good-looking and quite talented. He adores me. But it is the adoration a slave feels for a good master. I envied you your assistant.”

Unable to stop himself staring at Achati in surprise, Dannyl searched for an appropriate answer and found none. Achati chuckled.

“Surely you knew this much about me.”

“Well … yes, but I’ll admit I was a bit slow to notice.”

“You were preoccupied.”

“I gather you weren’t making any great assumption about me?”

Achati shook his head. “We make sure we know everything we can about the Ambassadors the Guild sends our way. And your choice of companions isn’t exactly a secret in Imardin.”

“No,” Dannyl agreed, thinking of Tayend and his parties.

Achati sighed. “I can buy myself a companion – in fact I have done so many times. Someone beautiful. Someone well trained in pleasing a master. I might perhaps find someone intelligent and witty enough to converse with, even be lucky enough to be loved by that slave. But there is always something lacking.”

Dannyl watched Achati closely. “What is that?”

The man’s mouth twisted into a lopsided smile. “Risk. Only when you know the other could easily leave you, do you appreciate when he stays. Only when it’s not easier on them to like you than not, do you appreciate it when they do.”

“An equal.”

Achati shrugged. “Or near enough. For a companion to be truly equal to me would restrict my choices too much. As the king’s envoy I am one of the most powerful men in the country, after all.”

Dannyl nodded. “I’ve never had to consider such differences in status. Though I suppose I might have, if my companion was a servant.”

“But a servant can leave.”


“Do servants make good conversation?”

“I suppose some might.”

Achati flexed his shoulders, then relaxed. “I enjoy our conversations.”

Dannyl smiled. “That’s just as well. You’ve only got me to talk to between here and Arvice.”

“Indeed.” The other man’s eyes narrowed. “I think I’d enjoy more than just conversation with you.”

Once again, Dannyl was speechless. Surprise was followed by embarrassment, then was overtaken by curiosity, and not a little flattery. This Sachakan – who had just pointed out he was one of the most powerful men in the country – is actually propositioning me! What should I do? How do you turn someone like him down without being impolite or causing a political repercussion? Do I even want to?

He felt a shiver go down his spine. He’s younger than me, but not by many years. He’s good-looking in a Sachakan kind of way. He’s good company. He’s nice to his slaves. But oh, such a liaison would be politically dangerous!

Achati chuckled again. “I don’t expect anything of you, Ambassador Dannyl. I only express a view. And a possibility. Something to think about. For now let’s keep to conversations. After all, I would hate to have ruined our friendship by suggesting anything that you are uncomfortable with.”

Dannyl nodded. “As I said, I’m a bit slow.”

“Not at all.” Achati grinned. “Otherwise I wouldn’t like you so much. You’ve been preoccupied. Focused on one goal. That distraction is gone. You can think of other things. Like how long it will take for the Guild to choose and send you a new assistant.”

“I’m not sure anyone will be willing to volunteer for the position, after what happened to Lorkin.”

Achati chuckled. “You may be surprised. Some might come in the hopes of being snatched away to a secret place ruled by exotic women.”

Dannyl groaned. “Oh, I hope not. I certainly hope not.”



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