Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,58

give her a part of you? Are you out of your damn mind, bro?”

Kristin walked up at that moment and set our food down in front of us. “Anything else you boys need?” she asked.

I shook my head, and Brock answered. “We’re good, thank you. Although, now that I think about it, Kristin, Ty here needs a new brain, if you’ve got any there in the back. He seems to have lost his.”

She just smiled at us both while I shot him a pissed-off look.

When she walked away, I met his hard stare. I didn’t need to answer his previous question; he saw it in my eyes. The only thing he did was shake his head and look away. Leaving me to let the guilt and regret of last night settle right into the middle of my chest.

Chapter Sixteen


Three weeks later: May

I stood on the front porch and smiled as Blayze bounced down the sidewalk toward me. He had an overnight bag and a huge smile on his face.

“Aunt Kaylee! Are you ready for our sleepover?”

Returning his smile, I nodded. “I most certainly am!”

Blayze raced up the steps and wrapped his arms around my waist. My heart jumped in my chest, and I attempted to control my tears. These stupid emotions lately were going to be the death of me. I didn’t even know why I felt the urge to cry right then.

When Lincoln walked up and stopped, she took one look at me and her smile faded.

“Blayze, why don’t you run on in and put your bag in the guest room. I need to talk grown-up stuff with Aunt Kaylee.”

“Okay, Mama!” He raced into the house as we both watched. When I turned back to Lincoln, I saw the love in her eyes for her son. She might not have been his biological mother, but she loved and adored that little boy so much.

Then her gaze met mine. “What’s wrong? Did you finally see Ty?”

I blew out an exaggerated breath and waved my hand in front of me in a nonchalant manner. “No, he has totally ghosted me.”

It had been three weeks since that night we’d spent together. That wonderful, incredible, sex-filled night.

“You haven’t seen him at all?” Lincoln asked, concern in her eyes.

I shook my head. “No. I think he’s put some sort of GPS on me, and it alerts him whenever I’m within a one-mile radius, because I haven’t run into him in the normal places I usually do around town. Either that, or he’s not leaving the ranch, which is possible. Stella said it’s been a busy beginning to spring.”

Lincoln nodded. “Yeah, Brock’s been up early every day to head on out and help his dad and Ty.”

I forced a smile.

“Has he texted you at all?” she asked, glancing over my shoulder, looking for Blayze.

“Once. He asked how I was doing and if I had plenty of wood for that front that moved through a couple weeks ago.”

Her mouth dropped open. “That’s it?”

Smiling, I drew in a deep breath and let it out. “What do you expect, Lincoln? We agreed it was a one-night thing.”

“That’s fine, but to totally avoid you is just him being a dick.”

I shrugged. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter anyway.”

She tilted her head. “It does matter. What if—”

Knowing what she was about to say, I cut her off. “I started this morning, so all is fine.”

I couldn’t help but notice the relieved look on her face. It was quickly replaced with a confused expression. “Wait, is that why you’re feeling down? Kaylee, you didn’t want . . .”

Lincoln’s voice trailed off when I broke our eye contact and looked back into the house.

“Blayze? What are you doing?” I called out, hoping to see him coming down the hall and saving me from this conversation. He wasn’t, though.

Damn it.

“Oh. My. God. Is that why you didn’t want him wearing a condom?”

I turned back to face her. “Scream it, why don’t you, Lincoln?”

Her hands covered her mouth as she gasped. When she dropped them back to her side, she slowly shook her head. “Kaylee Holden, have you lost your ever-loving mind? You were trying to get pregnant?”

“Of course not!” I said in a hushed voice.

“Then why do you look upset about this?”

“I’m not upset,” I shot back. At least not really upset.

“You are! I see it all over your face. You were hoping Ty got you pregnant.”

My eyes burned with the threat of tears. As crazy as it sounded, when he didn’t put a condom on, Copyright 2016 - 2024