Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,37

stared at him. Confusion whipped around my head, making me feel dizzy. I wanted to hit him. This man was going to drive me insane. One moment he acted jealous; the next he acted like he didn’t care. Which one was it? Because I was sort of getting whiplash here.

“Then why did you bring it up, Ty?”

“I was only trying to help, by telling you it’s okay to move on.”

With a scoff, I grabbed his arm and made him turn around to face me. “I don’t need you or anyone telling me that. I know it’s okay to move on. The only problem is, the guy I want to move on with has zero interest in me.”

Ty’s blue eyes turned dark with lust, and a bubble of desire flitted through my stomach. I wanted him to kiss me more than I wanted my next breath.

Something in the air changed between us, and I knew he felt it as much as I did.

He took a step closer, his lips parted slightly, his eyes focused on my mouth, then up to my eyes and back to my mouth.

Kiss me, Ty! For the love of all things, kiss me!

Right as he leaned in closer, there was a loud cracking sound on the front porch.

Ty and I both turned to look. He moved away from me and walked to the front door while I closed my eyes and cursed internally. The universe was trying to tell me something. Maybe it was time I actually listened to it.

“Holy shit!” he gasped.

“What? What’s wrong?” I asked, making my way over to him.

“I don’t know how much snow has fallen, but the weight of the snow on your porch roof caused part of it to collapse.”

“Collapse!” I shouted, looking out the window. He was right: the steps were now blocked with part of the porch roof and more snow than I had seen in a long time. “Well, shit, it’s a good thing I haven’t bought the place from Lincoln yet.”

Ty turned and looked at me, a smile on his face. He looked so young and carefree in that moment that I couldn’t help but smile back. Then we both laughed. Actual belly laughs at the absurdity of our situation.

It felt so amazing to share this moment with him. It reminded me of when we had found out Lincoln was pregnant. Ty had hugged me and spun me around, both of us giddy, knowing that we knew something neither Lincoln nor Brock knew yet. Lincoln had been only a few weeks pregnant and had fainted in the hospital after Brock had been hurt when a bull charged him after a ride for a charity at a local rodeo. They’d run a pregnancy test, and it had come back positive. I might have told the hospital a little white lie that I was Lincoln’s sister. That was how Ty and I found out about the baby.

I had so much fun with him that afternoon. We talked about the baby and came up with different ideas of how to break the news to Lincoln. We went on about how excited we were to see Lincoln’s shocked face. I had felt that connection between us and thought Ty had as well. It didn’t take long before he was pushing me away from him as he fell back into the routine of making his silly insults and pretending we hadn’t had another amazing connection.

Just like then, I knew it wouldn’t be long before he returned to his normal behavior and I became the annoying girl whom he couldn’t stand to be around.

I turned away and walked over to my phone to check the time. I had a message from Lincoln I’d somehow missed.

“Lincoln wants to make sure we haven’t killed each other.”

“Why is she up so late?” Ty asked, making his way toward the kitchen. Our little moment appeared to be over.

“Probably the baby.”

I typed back that we were fine and I was feeling better. She didn’t reply, which told me she had fallen back asleep.

As I slowly made my way to the kitchen, I took in a deep breath to prepare myself for things to go back to the way they were only hours ago. Things between Ty and me were civil, and I wanted to keep it that way. I wasn’t in the mood to argue or spit back and forth with him. I was cold and tired. If he wanted to pretend that he hadn’t almost kissed me Copyright 2016 - 2024