Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,101

as each day goes by.”

Ty smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. You still don’t think it’s weird you’ve become friends with a woman I slept with?”

“No. Are you uncomfortable with it?”

He shrugged.

I reached for his hand. “Ty, if me being friends with Katy makes you uncomfortable, I can pull back some. I have fallen a little for Olivia, though, and since part of me was injected into her, I sort of care about her and would like to keep up with how she’s doing.”

“I know, and I want Olivia to get better—I do. I just feel like every time things seem to be going in the right direction, the floor drops out.”

With a reassuring squeeze of his hand, I said, “Don’t be sorry for feeling the way you do. I completely agree with you. I don’t talk to Katy that often anyway, and honestly, when we do talk, it’s about Olivia only. I understand her need to feel connected to me. I gave her something that is helping her child.”

He nodded. “Change of subject—are you ready for the weekend?”

I smiled. “Yes! Still not going to tell me where we’re going?”


When I gave him a sad pouty face, he laughed. “Not going to work. I’m still pissed at you and Lincoln for talking us all into Disney World.”

“Yeah, that was sort of miserable last week, wasn’t it?”

“Mom and Dad mentioned something about payback, so you and Lincoln might want to sleep with one eye open.”

Laughing, I handed him the fruit. “They had fun, and you did too. Admit it!”

He smiled. “I did have fun. It was nice to see Blayze and Brock together like that. I’m glad he retired from bull riding.”

“She won’t ever admit it, but so is Lincoln. Now she’s got Blayze hell bent on it, though.”

“He’s got it in his blood. Look how good he’s gotten at mutton busting.”

I groaned. “Good Lord, even that stresses me out, and I’m not his mother.”

“It’s a sheep!” Ty said.

“He could still get hurt.”

He grinned. “You have to admit, he’s pretty damn good.”

I chewed on my lip, then giggled. “He is really good!”

For a moment, I wondered what it would be like to have a child with Ty. If we had a little boy, would he want him to bull ride? Or maybe do something else, like Tanner?

Things between me and Ty had been amazing. He was right: they almost seemed too good. Ty still went to his therapist once a month. He told her about his thoughts of suicide, which was a huge relief for me. He also seemed to be letting his guard down more and more, even talking about his addiction to his parents and telling them that it would always be a struggle, or at least he felt like it would be.

The one thing we hadn’t ever brought up again was our future. I didn’t want to split my time between two houses; it was getting exhausting.

With a deep breath, I asked him that very question.

“Ty, where do you see us at in the future? Like in a month? In six months? In five years?”

He froze, and for a moment I saw the walls going back up. I didn’t say a word. I simply rubbed my thumb gently over his hand and waited. Because that was what I promised I would do. I’d be there for him and not give up on us.

That still didn’t mean my heart didn’t pound in my chest as I waited for his answers.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


It wasn’t like I didn’t see a future with Kaylee. Hell, I dreamed of our future together. Since we had started staying with each other, my nightmares had all but stopped. When she wasn’t next to me in bed, I found myself staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I needed her by me, and that still scared me.

I didn’t want to think of Kaylee as some sort of crutch or addiction. She was, though, because I was fucking addicted to being inside her. Kissing her. Hearing her laugh. And even the occasional argument when she had to be stubborn about something.

Her question only threw me for a minute or two. I could see it on her face. She thought I was withdrawing, but it was just the opposite. I didn’t want to ruin my plans. I knew I wasn’t scared to be with her. Hell, I had bought a ring, and even though my head was telling me to slow down, my heart was telling me I Copyright 2016 - 2024