Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,100

had never spoken those words to me, so to hear them from Stella, a woman I loved and admired, meant the world to me.

When she pulled back, I wiped at my tears. Ty Senior was next in line to hug me, then Katy. Ty stood next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist.

“What do I need to do?” I asked.

“Can you come to Billings for about a week?” Katy asked. “You’ll get a daily injection for the growth of white blood cells. Then, on the fifth day, they’ll place a needle in both of your arms: one to remove the blood, the other to return it to your body. It goes through a machine that circulates the blood and collects the stem cells.”

“Any side effects?” Ty asked.

This time it was Bryce who answered, his arm around Katy. “You might get a headache. They say there could be bone soreness, and the needles might cause discomfort.”

I nodded. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“You’ll do it?” Katy asked, trying not to let her voice sound too hopeful.

With a smile, I replied, “Of course I’ll do it.”

Two months later: July

I rode up on the horse to find Ty standing there, without a shirt on, pouring water over his body.

“Lord, have mercy, that is all mine,” I said as I fanned myself. Ty Shaw had a weird way of making me all hot and bothered. Literally.

Watching him, I couldn’t help but count down until the day was over and he would be coming home. Ty and I split our time between both of our houses. I stayed a week at his place, then he would stay a week at mine. The sex was amazing and hadn’t slowed down one bit. Ty and his weird rule of not liking odd numbers ensured I always got at least two orgasms, which I had no complaints about whatsoever.

He must have felt my eyes on him, because he turned and looked at me.

“Hey there, beautiful. What brings you out here?”

Today, Ty was working on putting up a fence in one of the pastures. It was about a hundred acres of land he was fencing off, and it was for some of the horses to graze on.

“I thought maybe we could have lunch.”

Ty smiled. I was quickly learning what life was like dating a rancher. He worked early in the morning and sometimes worked right up until dark. There was also a reason he had a body like he did. Just watching him swing an ax one day had nearly made me have an orgasm. He was covered in dirt six days out of the week. Stella made the boys take Sundays off, and the hired ranch hands took over.

I also learned fast that I could not allow myself to fall in love with the cows. Or their calves. I learned that when I helped Ty deliver a calf one night. It was my second go-round, but this time, I got my hands dirty. I thought it would gross me out, but I plopped that calf onto my lap and cried tears of joy. She was my baby as much as she was her mama’s. Unfortunately, her mama had all the milk, and the calf ignored me.

And when the cows I’d been naming started to disappear, I stopped asking where they went. It was too traumatizing. Stella had told me in knitting class that I needed to learn to keep my feelings for the animals inside. Ty was stressed out when I cried the first time after he’d told me my favorite cow had been slaughtered. I didn’t eat red meat for two weeks.

“Lunch sounds amazing.”

After sliding off the horse, I untied the basket I had brought and grabbed a blanket. I made my way to a large shade tree and laid out the blanket, then got out the sandwiches and fruit I’d made up for the two of us.

Ty leaned down and kissed me. “How are you feeling?”

I smiled. “Amazing.”

He sat. “Good.”

He’d gotten into the habit of asking that question after I’d given blood for Olivia’s treatment. After donating my stem cells, I had a massive headache for days afterward, then ended up getting the flu. Neither were related. Having the flu in late spring, though, sucked. Between the headache and the flu, which wiped me out, Ty decided he needed to ask me every single day how I was feeling. I loved that he cared so deeply.

“I heard from Katy earlier. She said Olivia is feeling better Copyright 2016 - 2024