Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,12

aren’t human! Purple skin, claws… and that roar! Scary as hell!

Of course, I go back into the woods exactly the way I came out. It makes the most sense because all I can think about is returning to that craft. If I can just locate it and somehow get into it, I’ll be safe, right?

I don’t know if I’m just trying to deceive myself or whether I truly believe it, but at this point it’s the only hope I have. I don’t think I’ve been out of it for more than half an hour, and I’ve already run into at least two predators. It would just figure that I’d run right back into the bigfoot!

And when I say run into him, I mean literally running into him. It wasn’t my fault since he came around the side of one of the massive trees at the same time I’m sprinting for my life. Bouncing off of him, I skid on my butt a couple feet as I recover from our impact. My backpack keeps me upright, which may be a good thing since for a brief minute, I actually consider laying down and giving up.

As I lounge back briefly on the bag, blinking, panting, and trying to catch my breath, I look up at the big, hairy creature. But this time… I notice something I didn’t the last time we ran into each other. His cock.

It’s huge! As long as my arm, it sits at half mast, slightly drooping toward the ground like a pool noodle. There’s no way I could’ve missed that the first time we saw each other. I don’t know what’s changed, but I need to get the hell out of here!

Rolling awkwardly onto my knees facing away from the appendage, I scramble to my feet, but not before I hear him rustling behind my back. As I paw at the ground, I realize that he has a hold of my backpack. As much as it kills me, I pull my arms from it and take off at a sprint. I don’t dare look back, but I’m hoping that’ll keep him busy for a few minutes. After all, I do intend to try and find that goddamn spacecraft. I don’t care if I have to learn to levitate to get in it. I’m going to try!

I’ve never been so petrified in my entire life. The world in front of me is like a tunnel as I wheeze for air. I’m not a runner!

The last time I even did anything close to physical activity was for our company’s softball team last spring. That sport consisted of sitting on a bench to wait your turn to hit a ball. I don’t think there was one time I ever got on base! And then we went out afterward every time for pizza and beer—slightly counterproductive for any exercise we might’ve gotten playing the sport.

Within ten feet of taking off, I jerk to a stop, the air wheezing from my lungs again. I’m pinned to one of their massive tree trunks and practically eye to eye with the biggest and scariest looking dick I’ve ever seen! This is it.

Afraid to see what’s going to happen next, I close my eyes tight and pray for this entire experience to all be over. Does this mean I want to die? Hell, no! But maybe I already am?

At first, nothing happens. I mean… besides the fact that he’s holding me with hands the size of a baseball mitt. There’s no way I could move even if I wanted to, and at this point, common sense has finally caught up with me. There’s nowhere to go. I’m screwed.

The only thing I hear is the blood echoing through my ears as my panting accelerates from fear. But instead of the assault I’m expecting, I hear loud sniffing as I remain frozen in place. The enormous creature is nosing the top of my head, and I can’t imagine what it’s smelling.

Right now, my nose is so plugged from crying on and off, I can’t smell a thing. Probably a good thing considering how much this thing looks like what I always imagined a bigfoot would. They’re supposed to smell terrible.

The weight of his head sniffing down my face drifts over where my hair is now obstructing his access to my neck. “Just get it over with!” I think, as I wait for the inevitable. He has to be just looking for a good place to take a chomp Copyright 2016 - 2024