Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,11

quickly pull out my blade and slice his neck. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to kill a sak, and I don’t feel any better about it now than I did the first time. It’s unfortunate that I ended up in a situation like this. And it’s all her fault.

Grabbing the scruff of her shiny outfit with some of her hair in one hand and her bag in the other, I drag her back the way we came. I’ll need to take her back to see her flying craft, but I won’t do it right now. We need to get as far away from the scene of the kill as possible. There’s no time to hide him or bury him or even burn him, and I need to make sure that our scent is as far away from him as possible.

As soon as we step out of the praline trees where we’re less likely to be attacked, I release the squirming female. Following her to the ground where she falls on her hands and knees, I can’t help savoring my good fortune as I look her over. She’s stunning—although tiny.

Of course, the Alpha in me would have claimed her no matter what she looked like, but she’s beautiful. Even shaking in fear and covered in dust, she’s attractive. Her long, dark hair obscures much of her face, and I grab ahold of it, yanking her head back to study her features.

I already know she’s unusually pale. As I look at the tone of her skin, I can’t help wondering if she’s sick. But she doesn’t look like she’s gone without meals.

No, in fact, she has more meat on her bones than most of the females in our encampment. It’s just… I’ve seen no one with her skin color before. There are other features that make her look different as well. The roundness of her face, the upward slant of her eyes, and her extremely small size, all add to the idea that she could be deficient or maybe something happened to her in the flying craft? Maybe her face is swollen?

She’s still shivering, cowering lower from fear as she studies me through her hair. I have a strange desire to comfort her, but I’m also taking this opportunity to get control of myself. The urge to dominate and fuck her is overpowering. But I won’t succumb to the basic instinct—at least not here. “Where are you from?”

Giving her some leeway, I loosen my grip on her neck, but remain crouched over her. She’s babbling, but it’s nothing that I can understand. Is this crying again?

Dropping to my knees over top of her, I cradled her body in my arms. “You are fine now. I am here. Now… do not delay in answering me. Where are you from? And where were you going?”

Dropping her head to her hands below her on the ground, the strange female continues to cry, murmuring inarticulate words as a response. My patience is now running thin, especially as I continue to fight my body, teetering on the edge of my control. It takes all my will power to hold back.

With her small body crouched in front of mine, my cock continues to harden, her potent pheromones saturating the surrounding air. I’ve never smelled anyone like this. Sure, a similar, weaker, less potent effect has been part of the yearly heat cycle all our females enjoy. But this… this can’t be normal.

Pulling her hair to one side, I bury my nose in her neck. Inhaling deeply, I try to ground myself even as my hips begin to twitch against her. It’s involuntary and shouldn’t inspire the frantic response this female immediately has. I’m not sure what to think as she throws her head back, attempting to dislodge me. The idea is ludicrous.

Tired of her games, I open my jaw wide, easily encircling part of her neck. My words are somewhat garbled with the column of her throat in my mouth, but nonetheless, she stills at my words as I grit out, “Be still or I will end you.”

She doesn’t have to know this threat is a lie. I’d never harm a female and certainly never kill one—especially not one that smells this divine. But fear is the best motivator, and she needs to quiet. We need not draw any more sak to our location.


- Sunny

MY MIND’S IN turmoil as I run back the way I came. I don’t know what they are… but they Copyright 2016 - 2024