Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,67

to be just as conservative with my power as I was in the previous battle.”

“Be as conservative as you need,” Vasile said. “I’m just glad you all decided to join us. Can you help with the darkness? I can smell the dark magic being used to create a spell.”

“I can definitely take care of that,” Jareth said, and it sounded like he was smiling.

Drake nearly shouted an amen to that but didn’t have time as the fae he was going toe-to-toe with was giving him a serious run for his money. But they certainly needed the numbers, and it would be nice to be able to see if a blade was coming at your throat. The pack might have had the upper hand if the Order didn’t have their own fae fighting with them, and if they hadn’t been using some sort of spell to make the darkness damn near impenetrable, even with wolf eyes. But as it was, the Order seemed to be taking control of the battle simply because of the vampires. They weren’t necessarily skilled fighters, but their sheer numbers were becoming overwhelming.

Riven appeared beside him and held out his hand. A bolt of light shot from it, hitting the other fae in the chest. Drake’s eyes widened as the light seemed to spread through the fae’s torso until there was a gaping hole, and the male crumpled to the ground. Drake turned his head to look at Riven. His eyes were wide as he stared at the taller fae. “I’m going to be honest right now, though I might deny it later. I really want that superpower.” Riven simply grinned and then turned to take on the next foe.

A moment later, the battlefield lit up with thousands of white lights floating everywhere. For a second it confused the enemy, and Drake was able to take out several vamps one right after the other. Then the Order army refocused, and Drake flinched as he heard a nearby shout. He saw Jeff wielding his sword against two fae, and he was impressed with the skill. But they were pushing him back, and he needed help. Just as Drake was about to assist the Coldspring alpha, a sharp pain sliced through his abdomen. He gasped as he looked down and saw a short sword protruding from his stomach. Though he desperately tried to remain standing, his body didn’t cooperate. Drake fell backward. The last thing he saw before the darkness swallowed him was the face of his mate in his mind’s eye.

“I want to know how they knew we were coming.” Decebel growled as he paced the living room of the Colorado pack mansion. A week had passed, and they’d yet to figure out who the traitor was in their alliance, who had warned the Order that they were about to be attacked. Dillon had questioned every member of his pack. Using alpha commands, they could not lie to him. They were all innocent. Decebel was beyond restless, and the only thing keeping him calm was his ability to feel and communicate with his mate. “I don’t understand why someone would betray us, would betray Vasile.” Then again, Skender had done it, though he claimed it was for his mate. Maybe Decebel could have understood that. Maybe. But it had been a lie.

“What makes you think it’s someone in Vasile’s pack?” Dillon asked.

Decebel’s steps faltered as the words sunk in. “I guess I just assumed it was someone in our pack because of Skender. And it’s not someone in your pack. I’m not having a lot of faith in the loyalty I once thought was ingrained in Canis lupus,” he admitted.

Aidan, one of Dillon’s dominant wolves spoke up. “No one wants to think that anyone in their family is capable of betraying them. But being Canis lupus doesn’t make us perfect. We still have the capacity for evil.”

“The fact is,” Dillon said, “while it may not have been someone in my pack, that doesn’t automatically mean the traitor is in the Romania pack. There are the Missouri and Coldspring packs to consider. Whoever it is, they won’t be able to hide forever. Eventually, the truth will come out.”

“I hate sitting around waiting,” Fane snapped. Decebel had noticed the younger wolf was becoming increasingly agitated with each passing day, which Decebel completely understood. Fane’s eyes had switched back and forth from his wolf form to his human form the past two days. Decebel had made sure that they slept in Copyright 2016 - 2024