Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,66

has more loyal followers than I realized,” Thalion said and then shouted, “Behind you!”

Drake pivoted one hundred and eighty degrees, his sword swinging up in an arc as he caught sight of the hissing vampire soaring through the air toward him. His blade sunk deep into the chest of the bloodsucker. When the vamp hit the ground, Drake pulled the sword out and then sliced it across the neck, severing the head in one clean sweep—one of three ways to make sure a vampire didn’t rise again. The others were to remove the heart or set them on fire, but Drake didn’t have that kind of time.

When he turned back to where Thalion had been, Drake saw that the battlefield was so full it was nearly impossible to see more than five feet in front of him because of so many struggling bodies. He also noticed that it was dark, unnaturally dark. In fact if not for the magic the fae and elves were throwing around, it would have been impossible to see.

“They’re using a spell,” Thalion called out.

“It’s fae blood magic,” Cyn said as she stood at his back, protecting him as he was her. “I can sense it. Alston has stooped to a new low.” Cyn’s skin began to glow, much like Peri’s did when she was using some serious power, though it wasn’t as bright, but it did help make it easier to see.

Drake wasn’t surprised. Alston had proven he had no morals. Drake’s attention was then caught by another glowing female fae he didn’t recognize. She was fighting three vampires. His eyes connected with the fae’s, and he gave a slight nod toward the vampire on her right. Drake pushed up with his legs, using his wolf’s power to jump over the vamp in front of him. It drew the attention from all three of them, allowing the female to take out the other two while Drake beheaded the one he landed right in front of.

He turned to check and see if he had a foe at his back and saw Cypher had joined them. The fae warrior, Vale, appeared next to them with the warlock king in tow and Lilly, his mate, at his side. Drake had seen Lilly join them in the hall when Vasile had taken the call from the sprite queen, but he thought she might stay behind to protect those who stayed inside.

“Blood magic,” Vale hissed, and his skin, like Cyn’s, began to glow.

Drake’s attention shifted to Lilly. “Should you be fighting?” Drake called out to the warlock queen. Her daughter was in the hands of the enemy. Drake didn’t know if he would be able to focus enough to do battle if his child had been captured.

Cypher just shook his head at him. “Her daughter and our grandson are in the hands of the Order,” he said. “Her blood lust needs to be satisfied.”

Okay, that I can understand. Perhaps he would be able to focus if it meant getting to kill people within the organization that had captured his child.

Lilly’s eyes narrowed dangerously as she slammed her foot into the stomach of a vampire that had been running straight for her. The vamp flew back a good fifteen feet and hit a tree before crumpling to the ground. “My mate has been training me,” she said in a deadly voice before turning her attention back to the battle.

“Y’all look like you’re having all the fun over here,” Tyler, the alpha of the Missouri pack, said as he fought his way toward them.

Drake’s arm came up as a fae blade swung out toward Cypher. He caught it on his own and felt the vibration of it all the way up his arm. “You seem to be having plenty of fun yourself,” he ground out through his teeth at Tyler, who simply laughed. Drake was beginning to wonder if the older a wolf got, the crazier he became because Tyler seemed to be having way too much fun.

“My wolves were feeling cheated out of a battle,” Jeff Stone, the Coldspring pack alpha, said as he moved into place at Tyler’s back, offering protection as he took on a couple of vampires attempting to sneak up on the other alpha. “It’s a good thing our wolves can see in the dark,” Tyler growled as he slammed his fist into a warlock's face. “It’s black as pitch.”

Behind him, Drake heard the djinn warrior’s voice. “I can fight alongside you here, Vasile. But I’ll have Copyright 2016 - 2024