Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,135

you. Do not attempt to be your father. You are your own person, and yes, your parents instilled much wisdom in you. But you are your own man, and I will guide you.” Her lips turned up slightly, though there was still a feeling of sadness radiating from her. “You will do great things, Fane. The path I have for you is not easy. We will do it together.”

Fane’s jaw clenched, and he bowed his head. “I am your humble servant.”

She must have heard the doubt in his voice or saw it in his mind. “You will stumble. That is to be expected. But you will right yourself and continue the work I have for you until I call you home.”

Jacquelyn let out a small sound, and the Great Luna turned to her. “Jacquelyn,” the goddess said, her voice full of love, “you carry a great burden. You saw the weight on Alina’s shoulders. You will be the comfort and home that your mate needs. You will be the alpha female that your pack looks to for understanding and kindness. As I have said to your mate, you are not alone. I am with you always, and you need only call out to me.”

Fane watched as his mate whispered, “Thank you.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, but her shoulders were square, and she looked as regal as a queen.

The Great Luna looked at both of them and then said, “I have a gift for you both. This I give you as a reward for your parents’ faithfulness.”

She stepped to the side, and there in front of them were Vasile and Alina. Fane’s head whipped around, and he saw that his parents' bodies were still where they lay. Then he looked back to the ones standing a few feet from him.

“These are their souls,” the goddess explained. “This isn’t goodbye, it is simply ‘until we meet again.’”

Alina rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Fane. To his surprise, she was solid. His arms automatically enveloped her, and Fane closed his eyes as he held on to the woman who had given him life and raised him with a love that every child should experience.

“I am so proud of you,” his mom said as she squeezed him tighter. “You have grown into an incredible man.”

“Only because of you and dad,” Fane said as she pulled back and framed his face with her hands. She was just as she was in life, beautiful from the inside out. The kindness in her eyes brought comfort and a feeling of hope. “I love you, Mama,” he said quietly.

She nodded. “I know. You don’t have to doubt that. We love you so very much.” She patted his face and then stepped back.

Fane turned to see his father embracing his mate. Then he took Slate from her and held him close as he hugged his grandson. Tears streamed down Vasile’s face, but it wasn’t sadness that Fane saw there. It was pride and hope. Vasile pressed a kiss to each of Slate’s chubby cheeks and then passed him to Alina. His mom switched places with his father, and then Fane was embraced by his dad.

“I love you, son.” His deep voice rumbled as he hugged Fane close.

“I love you, too.”

“You can do this. You will do this, and the Great Luna will be with you every step of the way.”

Vasile stepped back, and Fane met his eyes. “I’m not ready to say goodbye, Dad,” Fane admitted.

“We’re never ready,” his dad told him. “But our time is done. Nobody lives forever, and that is a gift, believe it or not.”

Fane could see the weariness in his father’s eyes. Vasile Lupei had not had an easy life. There had been moments on the mountaintop with joy and victory, but there had been many more moments in the valley, fighting the evil in the world that was constantly assailing them. “It’s time for you and Mama to rest,” he said with a smile. “You have earned that. Sit with your Creator and simply soak in her peace.”

The strain in his father’s eyes eased, as if he’d been worried Fane would not accept that he and his mother could no longer be on this earth. “Never forget how much we love you and how proud we are of you. That we love your mate as if she is our own, and that our grandson is a treasure beyond compare.”

Vasile held his hand out to Fane, and they grasped forearms. Then the Copyright 2016 - 2024