Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,134

for. At times, they will stray. At other times, they will stand fast. Through it all, they will have me as their ever-present help.” ~The Great Luna

Warmth rushed over Fane. Next to him, Jacque leaned in closer. The ground was covered in leaves that crunched beneath his knee. Summer had faded, and fall had quickly taken over. Why he even noticed that was lost on him. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to think about why he was in the middle of the field in the first place. He closed his eyes and focused on the peace flowing through him. For the first time since that morning, he felt like he could breathe.

“This is not the end, Fane Lupei.” The Great Luna’s voice filled his mind. “This is the beginning of what must happen.”

He didn’t know how to respond, so he simply remained silent and focused on breathing.

“This is a sad day,” the Great Luna spoke out loud. Her voice sounded as if it could be heard for miles. The power behind it was soul-jarring. “But it is also a day of celebration. We come to mourn those we love, my children, who I created and have loved since before they were born. Each of those who lay before us are mine. I feel your pain, and I hurt with you. I understand the grief of loss more than you know.

“But we also must celebrate the lives they lived. Each of them was willing to put themselves at risk for others. They died because they were willing to make the greatest sacrifice for all of you, as well as those who will never know what they gave. Each has a place with me, but there are two who have earned a special place in eternity.

“Vasile and Alina Lupei never allowed the darkness to take root in them. They fought bravely for centuries.”

Fane choked back his emotions as he listened to their Creator speak so highly of his parents. He’d thought he would be able to hold it together, but there was no chance he wouldn’t shed tears as he told his parents goodbye for the last time.

“They have loved one another faithfully,” the Great Luna continued. “Which might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But to be faithful in the small things means you will be faithful in the big things, and they have proven that over and over. Vasile has led his pack with respect for each of them. He has been a sacrificial leader, never commanding a task that he himself would not also undertake.

“Alina, with her gentle heart and ability to love despite how unlovable one might be, gave pieces of herself to everyone she encountered. She was a light that shined everywhere she went. Many nights she spent telling me about her worries and asking for me to watch over their pack, her child, her child’s mate, her grandson. She pleaded with me to protect those that she’d claimed as her own, and she cried out to me when she needed strength. This is what it means to be a child of mine. To know I created you to be mine, to be a part of my family. You can see the fruit of living with communion with me through the example of Vasile and Alina. And I hope that you each learn from their lives.”

Fane felt his mate shaking beside him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. The bond between them had been wide open, and it was comforting and overwhelming at the same time.

“Fane Lupei, son of Vasile and Alina, rise with your mate and child.” The goddess’ voice came both audibly and within his mind. Fane released Jacquelyn but then took her hand and pulled her to her feet. His eyes were still downcast when he saw the flowing, white robe that glowed so brightly it was painful to look at.

“You may look up,” she said.

Fane lifted his head slowly until he was staring at his Creator. The need to lower himself back down was instant, but she’d told him to stand up, and so he would.

“It is alright to show your pain, child,” the Great Luna said. “There is no weakness in allowing yourself to mourn. Your pack needs to know that they, too, can show their pain. That is what you will be: an example for them to follow. You will lead and they will follow, just as your father led before Copyright 2016 - 2024