Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,112

she saw love shining in the young woman’s eyes, love for a little boy who was once again trapped in the enemy's clutches.

“Alright, let’s do this.” Peri pointed at Decebel. “Get your mate in gear. I’m sure she’s chomping at the bit to sink her teeth into some Order flesh.”

“She’s been surprisingly calm,” Decebel admitted. “But I think that’s because she’s been trying to keep Costin calm and entertain our daughter.”

“How long did they question Sally?” Peri asked as her eyes narrowed.

Decebel’s lips tightened across his face, his features hardening. “Four days.”

Every male in the room cursed under their breaths, and low growls reverberated in their chests.

“They may think they’ve won,” Fane said, his voice a deep rumble. “They may think that they have devastated us to the point of being unable to fight back. But they would be fools for thinking such things. As we have done with every threat that has risen up against us in the past, we will wipe them out and mark them down as history. The Order will soon be in our past, and we will learn from them and move on to the next idiot who thinks they can stand against the Great Luna and her chosen.”

Peri glanced at Lucian and saw the small smile on his face, the pride shining in his eyes. “Vasile has chosen wisely,” he told her through the bond.

Peri agreed. The old alpha had indeed chosen his successor very wisely.

Chapter 18

“Why is it that the pursuit of power clouds the sight of those pursuing it? They think it is in their grasp, and so they take their eyes off their enemy, and it’s that split-second that can change the direction of a fight. One second you’re winning, and the next your heads are spinning, and you’re left standing there thinking ‘What the hell just happened?’” ~Myanin

“Vasile and Alina are dead.”

Myanin watched as Ludcarab turned at the sound of the voice of a fae warrior who’d just flashed into the building. She, Ludcarab, Alston, Sincaro, and Cain had been waiting to hear back from the army they’d sent to the Romania pack stronghold and finally, only moments ago, the room had begun to fill with fae flashing in with vampires, wolves, and warlocks in tow.

Alston stood on Ludcarab’s right, with Sincaro and Cain to his left, while Myanin stood a little apart, her body turned so she could see the entire room of bloodied warriors. It was obvious they’d been given quite a battle.

“What did you say?” Ludcarab asked. The giddiness in his voice made him sound like a child on Christmas morning.

“Vasile and Alina, the Romania pack alphas, are dead,” the fae warrior repeated.

“As is the Warlock King,” reported another fae. “I saw Ren behead him.”

“Where is Ren?” Alston asked.

“Dead,” the fae answered. “The warlock queen killed him.”

Ludcarab chuckled. “A woman scorned.”

“Damn straight,” Myanin muttered under her breath.

“And you’re sure the alpha pair is dead?” Alston asked. He was practically salivating. Myanin found it extremely disturbing for some reason.

“I watched Hatter kill her, ripped her heart from her chest,” the fae said.

Myanin walked over to them. “Hatter?”

The fae smirked. “Yea, because he was mad.”

When she stared at him, he continued. “You know, from the human story Alice in Wonderland? The Mad Hatter? As in crazy?”

She shrugged. “Why was he the only one who got the name? As far as I can tell, all of you are quite unhinged.”

“Says the djinn who killed one of her own elders.” A vampire to her right smirked.

Myanin didn’t think, she just moved. One second, she was standing with her arms crossed in front of her and the next, her blade was out and she’d sliced it across the vampire’s neck, all the way through, severing the spinal cord until his head rolled off his shoulders and his body crumbled to the floor.

She leaned down and wiped his blood off on his shirt and then re-sheathed the blade in her thigh holster. Myanin stood up and walked back over to where Ludcarab was standing. Alston, Sincaro, and Cain had joined him and were all staring at her with mouths agape.

“I don’t like my business being shared,” she said simply. She looked across the room at all the warriors. “Keep your mouths shut about me and you can keep your heads.”

“Bloody hell,” Sincaro cursed as he shook his head.

“So, this news about the dead alphas and warlock king is good?” she asked.

“It’s more than good,” Ludcarab said. “IT’S A MIGHTY VICTORY,” he roared, and Copyright 2016 - 2024