Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,111

of love for Jewel. And I could ask for no better mate for one of my healers than someone who would give anything and everything to protect her.”

Dalton stepped back and took Jewel’s hand. “Thank you.”

Peri understood that sometimes it was hard not to act foolishly when those they cared for were in danger. It was a reaction that was built into the core of the Canis lupus, protecting at all cost.

“I’m sorry I was not able to meet you earlier,” Fane said, and Peri saw that he was addressing Jewel. “I’m Fane Lupei”—he paused and swallowed hard but then stood up straighter—“alpha of the Romania pack.”

Jewel held out her hand to him in her matter-of-fact way. “I’m Jewel Black, Dalton’s mate, and apparently the gypsy healer to the Colorado pack. And I am very sorry for the loss of your parents.”

Fane took her hand, gave it a very quick shake, and then released it. “Thank you for your condolences.”

There was a moment of silence before Peri spoke. “We’ve got work to do.” She looked at Dillon, Decebel, and then Fane. “The Great Luna has shared a plan with me, one that will get our people free.”

“What is it?” Fane stepped forward as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Sally has a necklace,” she started. Fane nodded, acknowledging that he obviously knew of the jewelry in question. “It’s blessed by the Great Luna and holds significant power. We need to get a message to her to use it.”

“The Healer’s Locket,” Cindy interrupted.

Peri turned to look at the sprite female. “Of course you know of it,” she said, annoyed that she hadn’t thought to ask Cindy right away.

Cindy nodded. “Chris and I read about it in one of the books that his family left him.”

“What did it say?” Fane asked.

“It’s also known as the Luna’s Locket. It was blessed at its creation by the Great Luna and has been passed down through generations of gypsy healers. It doesn’t always stay in the same family and no one knows its exact power, but it always finds its way to the healer it's supposed to be with,” Chris explained.

“Sounds a lot like the mysterious fae stones,” Peri said.

“So, she doesn’t know how to use it?” Fane’s lips pursed as he rocked back on his heels.

“Considering she hasn’t used it in any of her past near-death or actual-death experiences, I’m going to guess no,” Peri said dryly. Apparently, even grief stricken she couldn’t help but be a smart-ass. She was sure that Alina would approve.

“She can figure it out,” Jewel spoke up. “Sally is powerful and smart.”

Cindy nodded. “Sally can do this. I know she can.”

“I agree,” Peri said. “The question is, how do we get her the message?”

“The girls are in different rooms,” Fane said. “Decebel and I can communicate with our mates, but I’m not sure if they can communicate with one another.”

“Jen can,” Decebel said.

Peri raised a single brow. “Her screaming the plan through the wall so the enemy can overhear it is probably not the best idea.”

Decebel smirked. “She won’t have to scream. My mate knows Morse code.”

Peri snorted. “Of course she does. You taught her, didn’t you?”

Decebel shrugged. “She likes military crap.”

“But do the other two girls know Morse code?” Jewel asked.

“No,” Decebel answered. “But Costin does. Jen said she and Costin have been communicating through the wall. She helped Costin keep it together when Alston took Sally.”

“Alston took Sally away from Costin and Titus?” Peri snapped as her head whipped up to look at Decebel.

“He brought her back to them,” Decebel quickly added. “He was questioning her.”

Peri shook her head. “Alston doesn’t just question people. He rips them from their lives and strips them of their memories.”

“Peace, beloved,” Lucian said as he placed a hand on the small of her back.

Peri let out a deep breath. “You’re right. Plan now, maim, torture, and kill later. So, you can get a message to Jen, and she can tell Costin to tell Sally about the necklace?” she asked Decebel.

He nodded. “Or Titus can tell her. They taught him Morse code too.”

Peri could tell by the slight upward curve of Decebel’s lips that he was trying to lighten the tension in the room. The chuckles verified that it worked.

“If any four-year-old could learn Morse code, it would be that little genius,” Zara said.

Peri sometimes forgot that Zara and Titus had been trapped in the same vampire coven and had a bond of sorts. As she looked at Wadim’s mate, Copyright 2016 - 2024