Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,103

we think is that the Romania pack has lost their beloved alpha pair, and they need to know they have a leader.” Lucian’s eyes narrowed on the younger male. “You know if the dominant wolves don’t have someone powerful in place to keep them in check, they will start challenging one another for the alpha spot. Fane must be given the Rites by the Great Luna. Even though he is already tethered to the pack, it must be completed and blessed since the former alpha was his sire.”

Jeff Stone, the Coldspring alpha, spoke up, his eyes wide. “The pack bonds have attached to him? Not the beta? Decebel is old, powerful.”

Lucian nodded. “But Fane carries the blood of the most powerful alpha in the history of our race. He may be young, but this is his destiny. He was born to lead his pack.”

“What about you?” Jeff asked. “You’re Vasile’s brother. And damn dominant. Don’t you think that in this time of strife, you would be the more appropriate choice for the position, at least in the interim?”

Peri almost rolled her eyes but stopped herself. Jeff was relatively young and had not been in a healthy pack. There was probably a lot about the nature of the Canis lupus that he needed to be taught.

“It doesn’t matter that I’m of Vasile’s bloodline. A lot goes into the appointment of an alpha, including the former alpha’s will and pack magic. The final decision lies with the Great Luna. Vasile chose Fane long ago. If he hadn’t, then when he died, the bonds wouldn’t have tethered to Fane. If he’d thought I would be the better choice, then he would have made sure to pass his magic to me. But he didn’t, and I agree with him.”

“Fane is so young,” Tyler pointed out. “He’s only, what, two decades old? He’s practically an infant.”

“He’s powerful,” Peri said. “He’s honorable and was raised by two of the most amazing people I have ever known. Does he have much to learn? Of course. But he’s perfectly capable of leading his pack.”

“And what about those who disagree?” Jeff asked as he folded his arms across his chest.

“Then they have the right to challenge,” Lucian answered. “But they do so knowing that he has the right not to just make them submit, but to take their life if he feels it is what is best for the pack.”

“I don’t think any of that is a priority right now,” Thalion, the elf prince, spoke up, and Peri wanted to applaud him. There was no point in arguing if Fane should or shouldn’t be alpha. He was. Period. “Not only do Peri and Lucian need to help with the Romania pack, there is still the matter of the pups and mates in the hands of the Order. All of those are members of the Romania pack and are no doubt feeling the loss. Jacque, Fane’s mate, is enduring this without the help of her mate. These are the things we need to be focused on. We need to be working on a plan to get them free. I think the Order is riding pretty high right now on their recent victory over the deaths of Vasile, Alina, and the Warlock King. Given that, they might make mistakes. It might give us the edge we need in order to reclaim the captured.”

“Thank you, Thalion,” Lucian said. “You’re right and make very good points. Alston is arrogant enough to think we will be falling apart, and though we are hurting, we are not defeated. We will not roll over on our backs and submit. What we are asking now is that each of you go back to your respective homes and gather your warriors in force. It is time we face the fact that this isn’t going to be a quiet battle. The Order is going to force us into the open, and we need to be prepared for that.”

Peri could see the questions burning in the others’ eyes, but she was done wasting time. She felt an urgency she couldn’t explain, and it was telling her to get her butt to Colorado. “We will continue with the original plan to meet in the sprite realm. I will send fae ambassadors to each of you when it’s time.” She looked at Lilly. “Your daughter and grandson are with the enemy, your son-in-law has lost his parents, and you’ve lost your mate. Where is it that you want to be?”

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