Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,102

much pain. His mate and son were taken, and now his parents are gone.”

“He’s strong,” Drake said. “He will do what needs to be done.”

Bethany took comfort in her mate's confidence that Fane would be able to step into his role, despite the fact that he had to be in tremendous grief. She settled even closer to Drake and closed her eyes. There was much to be decided, but for now she was thankful that her mate and child were alive and well. But even as she gave thanks, the words of the Great Luna filled her mind. “This is only the beginning of what must take place.”

Chapter 17

“A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend…” ~Human Bible, the Word of the Creator of humankind.

Peri left the Keep’s infirmary and headed for the great hall. “Have you gathered everyone?” she asked her mate through their bond.

“I have all the leaders assembled. We will begin when you get here. Are you flashing or do you need a minute?”

Peri smiled. “I need to gather myself. I’m going to walk there to get it together.”

“We will get through this,” Lucian said, his voice fierce. He was the one being strong, despite the fact that he’d lost his brother and sister-in-law. “There is no shame in grieving, my love.”

“I know. It’s just been a long time since I’ve felt this kind of pain. It’s a shock to my system, and there is nothing I can do. I honestly don’t know how to deal with that. They’re just gone.” Her heart hurt for Lilly and she mourned for Cypher, but the ache in her soul for Vasile and Alina was beyond anything she’d ever experienced.

“It was their time. We all have an appointed time to return to our Creator. Though that doesn’t make it easier when our loved ones are called home.”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” she said curtly to stop the conversation. She was an emotional mess and needed to pull it together if she was going to kick the Order’s ass. Which she was definitely going to do.

When she finally reached the doors leading into the hall, Peri took a deep breath and then pushed them open. At the front of the room, gathered in a circle, were the pack alphas who’d been brought by the fae. They’d answered the call by Andora, the sprite queen, to fight with the Romania pack to protect the Keep. They’d all fought in Arizona as well. Surprisingly, Lilly was present, though she looked like Peri felt. Jareth, the djinn warrior, Nissa, Chris Morgan and his wife Cindy, Riven, the fae warrior, and, to Peri’s surprise, Ona, the female fae warrior was there as well. Ona hadn’t been in the battle at the Keep. Peri would have to remember to ask the female where she’d gone, though she already could see by the pain in the warrior’s eyes why she was here. Cyn and Thalion, the elf prince, were also present. Despite all of the ones filling the room, there were huge empty spots where the girls should have been with their mates, where Cypher should have been next to Lilly, and the largest void, Vasile and Alina.

Peri walked the length of the room and pushed the painful thoughts from her mind. She walked through the group and to the side of her mate. Lucian immediately took her hand, lifted it, and pressed a kiss to it. She leaned into his large body and gave him the affection she knew he needed. Then they turned and faced the group.

“Thank you for meeting with us,” Peri began. “Lucian and I have been discussing our next course of action. As you know, we’ve got our fallen in a room that I’ve spelled to keep their physical bodies from breaking down.” She paused and swallowed down the bile. The thought of her friends’ bodies decomposing made her want to turn and run from the room, but she managed to stand firm. She noticed Lilly’s jaw clench, but the warlock queen raised her chin and kept her composure.

“Fane and Jacque have taken the yoke of the pack bonds,” Lucian continued, giving Peri the minute she needed. “As a pack, we must check on his wellbeing and also make his position official.”

“You’re going to do the Alpha Rites?” Tyler, the Springfield alpha asked. “Don’t you think we need to be—”

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