Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,67

have to restart the royal family, I’ll have to re-found the entire species. And I only want to do that with you.”

I laugh. “Way to not put pressure on a girl! If I don’t agree, your species goes extinct? Best pick-up line ever. Anyway, you know that species would only be half Lancefer. But it would be half Earthling, too, so much better than before.”

He smiles. “Exactly.”

“You actually want that? Restarting your kingdom with me?”

He shrugs his massive shoulders. “I’m not immortal. Even if IruBex doesn’t get me, that’s just postponing the inevitable. I will die someday. And if I don’t have offspring, then that is the end of my species. It won’t even live on as half of a new and better one.”

I reach up and stroke his black hair out of his face. “What if we let things just happen as they will, Your Highness?”

He thinks about it. “That is what we always do.”

“And it seems to work. But I think we should get some practice, so we don’t lose our skills.” With my other hand I reach down and grab his forked cock, hard and ready as ever. “And it’s been almost an hour since last time.”

- - -

The ship is almost ready, and we move out of the cabin and back into it. It has a big, black gun on the roof now, as well as the three promised missile pods jutting awkwardly from the sides and bottom. The ship was never a beauty, but now it’s just plain ugly.

I don’t mind that, as long as it can keep us safe.

Zaroc and I have agreed to surprise the Gurandu and the Bululg by going as far as we can in the direction of the most densely inhabited part of the galaxy. He has usually preferred to stay in desolate solar systems, but he agrees that it makes him predictable.

Also, I think it’s time for both of us to start seeking some help from others, not just go it alone. We still have the video of the Elder giving us a mission, and I think more people than the Star Marshals will be impressed by that.

“The trick,” I explain to Koyanara, “is to envision exactly the point in space where you want it to happen, and then focus your intent there. It has to be destructive intent, Puf says. Like this.”

I place a small metal screw on the floor, stare at it, and then conjure up in my mind an absolute determination that I want it destroyed.

The last tenth of an inch of the tip of the screw starts glowing orange, but that’s all.

“Right,” Koyanara says. “Very impressive. You do know that Zaroc has a bunch of real guns, right? Didn’t I see you with one, even?”

I pick the screw up again. It looks the same as before. It’s not even warm. “Guns are inaccurate. The bracelet is always perfectly accurate, and it can destroy things of almost any size. You just don’t know how it will do it. That’s the uncertainty part.”

“Looks to me as if that thing is accurate in the same way a pinprick is accurate, and about as deadly.”

I put the screw in one of the many pockets in the suit. “I just have to practice more. This is actually great progress. In the beginning, I couldn’t get anything to happen. Took me a week to get this far. Puf says that if you really hate the thing you’re aiming at, then success is assured. It’s hard to hate this screw, though. But at least I got some of it.”

“Keep a gun as back-up, even so,” Koyanara suggests. “Looks cooler, too.”

“Yeah, this bracelet doesn’t really have the intimidation factor of a gun. It’s too pretty. I’ll think about it.”

Zaroc comes in and sits down in the pilot’s seat. “That should do it. Bathosc is finally done with the ECM. It even comes with a warranty. Did you figure out your bracelet finally?”

“More or less,” I say vaguely. “I need a little more practice.”

“It could be extremely powerful,” he says and slowly flies us out of the docking bay. “Very useful for your Resistance movement. Let’s see if this boat still hangs together. Bathosc didn’t do a shakedown cruise yet — she wanted to leave that to us.”

He speeds up, and I decide to fasten the repaired harness in my seat, just in case.

“Center of gravity a little higher than before,” he reports, doing a tight loop that I can’t actually feel in my Copyright 2016 - 2024