Alien Beast's Warrior Bride - Juno Wells Page 0,22

am certain that I have made a grievous error in judgement this day. I have allowed my fondness for this queen of queens to distort my judgement and interfere with the execution of my duties.

General Watson’s words echo through my head. We’re not fighting about this. I’m in charge, and you’ll do as I say if you want rescued. If not, you can stay right where you are. It disturbs me greatly that I allowed the general to threaten to withhold Draconian protection from this new queen, like our military might is hers to withhold or bestow based on her own whimsy. This new queen was also denied the right of conquest.

When we unload, I gesture for Eltran to see to the new queen. He understands that I have wronged her this day, and as such our clade owes her all due consideration. I feel certain that Queen Molly will know how to best care for her needs.

The general slides off my scooter and stalks off without saying goodbye. Normally I might be hurt by such behavior, but this day my heart is heavy and I have confessions to make.

I move to the central hub, which Mathadar is using as a war room. He startles upon seeing me and I realize much to my shame, one wing is touching the ground. Mathadar and several others of the elite ten approach me cautiously.

“Is all well this day, Borak? I’m told you returned with the general safely at your side and that you managed to rescue another precious queen as well.”

I unlock my tongue from the roof of my mouth and speak my shame. “It pains me to report that I failed to follow directions given by a queen this day, putting her safety at risk.”

It is the safety part that garners their immediate attention. My brethren tense, closing in to make a tight circle around me. Kryos is the first to speak, his voice tight. “I have known you for many years, Borak. I cannon draw an image of you risking a queen in my mind’s eye, for it seems so unlike you.”

Mathadar is too shocked to speak, likely because he just cautioned me this morning about the importance of honoring the wishes of a queen.

My least favorite peer steps forward. “Let us hear the details, for I believe you may be mistaken. Dealing with human queens can be tricky at times.”

I snarl a fang at Roan, for all know that he is not to be trusted.

“I am not dimwitted, and am thus aware that my behavior fell far short of what is required of me in service to a queen.” When no one speaks, I get to the heart of the matter, for I have no stomach for stringing this out. “The newly acquired queen asked to be taken to safety. General Watson refused her request and threatened to decline her request for sanctuary if she persisted. The general also refused her the right of conquest to settle the dispute between them.”

Wings flutter all around me and the assembled warriors makes sounds of distress upon learning of what happened. It is a most grievous offense to prohibit a queen from fighting for her rights, and I did nothing to intervene.

Mathadar’s voice sounds off. “Rescuing vulnerable queens and bringing them to safety was one of your primary objectives. It is the reason you were allotted extra troops.”

This I well know. “I understood my assigned duties and that I was in charge of this mission. Yet I did not protect the more vulnerable queen when she asked to be taken to safety. In my own defense, I did suggest splitting our forces or allowing one warrior to remain behind, but the general refused. Although I was in command of the mission, I allowed the human general to override my decisions at every turn. At the time I knew it was wrong but could not bring myself to go against her wishes.”

Mathadar finally speaks. “And in doing so you forced the malnourished queen to ride around all day although she was not fit for such.”

Lowering my head, my wings droop, for it is all true. “I made a grievous error of judgement and now my soul is sick from it.” Long minutes of silence stretch out as we all ponder what has transpired.

Mathadar breaks the silence. “You have had multiple failings this day. Not only did you not follow the orders given by your king, but you also failed take a queen to Copyright 2016 - 2024