Alien Beast's Warrior Bride - Juno Wells Page 0,23

safety and supported the Earth general in denying her right of conquest. The penalty for crimes against a queen is death. We all know this, Borak.”

Kryos speaks on my behalf. “General Watson is a queen among queens. As such, she rules over her people. We are on Earth and are expected to abide by their laws. I caution us to use good judgement ourselves by doling out a lesser punishment this night in recognition of the complicated position we are being forced into.”

Mathadar’s wings flutter, battering the warriors standing on either side of him. It’s almost like he’s panicking. “This was bound to happen. Warriors are answering to far too many masters in this situation. I will consult with our queen and let her decide how to best proceed.”

When he steps away, I cannot bring myself to look at my brethren. My chest burns with shame. The warriors step back, talking amongst themselves. I ponder what will become of my clade if I am killed. Just when my mind is being swamped with dark thoughts, I feel a hand on my arm. When I look up, it is Kryos. Of course it is. He is my friend, after all. Suddenly, I do not feel so alone and desperate.

He whispers, “Remember our vow. No matter the outcome, I will advocate for your needs. If the worst comes to pass, I will see that your clade thrives.”

My wing comes out and we lock talons, like the warriors of old. “Thanks be to the gods for old friends. My five scion are not younglings, but they are far from ready to make do on their own without the guidance of a strong clade leader.”

“I am sorry this happened to you, my friend.”

I make a sound of frustration and shake out my wings. “It is a situation of my own making. I will subject myself to whatever justice our king and queen mete out this night.”

We don’t even need to discuss General Watson. Neither of us harbors resentment against this imperious queen, for she was just doing her best to complete the mission. The failure of duty is mine and I must own it. Kryos and I quietly discuss what I wish to happen if I am terminated and how to tell my clade. Eltran and Korak bore witness to my failings this day, but the others will be shocked beyond all belief.

A short time later Mathadar returns, and the circle closes around me again. “Queen Cassandra has spoken. From this point forward, the queens in our chain of command, meaning Queen Cassandra and the queens who sit on Onello’s council, will be the ones we obey in all manners save issues of safety. My queen and I are in agreement that you should have brought the frail queen to safety for that was part of your assigned mission. You could have dropped her off and continued searching for the Sonarians.”

Agreement sounds off around us. In a way, it’s a relief to have my initial reaction to the situation verified as the correct course of action.

“My queen recommends we exclude Earth military personnel from future missions, retaining them in the role of consultants. That way there will be no confusion about who is in charge when we are out in the field.” After a brief pause he adds, “Our individual queens will continue to be in charge of our clades and all personal matters of the home. That part will be the same as it ever was.”

His voice becomes hard, and I suspect my punishment is going to be termination. “You violated our most fundamental law this day, Borak. Queen Cassandra forbids punishments of death, particularly in this case because there was no ill intent on your part. She leaves the application of justice to my decision. I have decided that this crime against a queen cannot go unpunished. So that all might be reminded that our queens’ rights are not to be trod upon, you will suffer scourging and be removed from the elite ten. Command will be reserved for those capable of making sound decisions in the heat of the moment.”

It is a harsh judgement and meant to humiliate me more than anything else. Although my soul is shattered, I immediately submit to the punishment my king has deemed most appropriate to my crime. “I accept scourging and hope it cleanses my soul of this wrongdoing.”

Everyone relaxes a bit because we now know what course of action to take. Draconians do not Copyright 2016 - 2024