The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,58

and it’s so gross.”

I thought of Ozzie and Jasper, and agreed. I was still trying to figure out what the relationship between a shifter and a sorceress should be, but I damn well knew oppression had no place in it. I wanted to follow Ethan as my leader, but I wanted us to be equals as well.

Unfortunately, during these dark times, I had to take the lead. And I felt like I was doing a shitty job of it by allowing this demon to keep haunting him. Why couldn’t life be simple?

“Hello, girls.” Theo had finally shown up. He smiled immediately when he saw Odette. “Ready to go?”

“Ooh, yes.” Odette set her macrame aside. “Lets.”

“How are we getting there?” I asked. I didn’t know where the alicorn village was, but I figured it had to be a long ways away.

“I can carry both of you.” Theo changed into an alicorn. He tossed his head, mane flying as he added, “Climb on.”

Odette boosted herself onto Theo’s back. He moved his feathery wings aside, so I could clamber on behind her. I wrapped my arms around Odette’s middle as Theo took off at a trot through the Rec Room, winding down the stairs to the first floor.

“We’ll have to fly,” Theo said. “Make sure your wings are ready in case you fall off.”

I was certain that warning was meant for me and not Odette, as he’d kill himself trying to catch her before he’d let her go splat.

Once we were outside in the gardens, Theo spread his wings wide and gave a few powerful pumps. He rushed into a gallop, and as he thrashed his wings we rose into the air with speed, soaring into the clouds with little effort.

Odette squealed and buried her hands in Theo’s mane as Arcanea University spread below us. Theo made a spiral, circling to the south, and my gut fell out from under me with the sensation. I looked down at Malovia in awe as I admired the different colors of red, orange and yellow that were spreading over the trees. Whenever Theo pumped his wings, his hooves moved like he was climbing the air. Odette giggled, and the smile of joy that spread across her face nearly made me jealous. Would it feel like this when— if— Ethan got his wings?

We left the city behind us and soared into the countryside. The forest below was thick, until it began to dwindle into long fields and pastures that were still green, despite the onset of fall.

A dirt oval racetrack was what caught my attention first. I looked down, and saw dozens of alicorns galloping along the track, sorceress jockeys on their backs. The alicorns spread their wings, and flew upward to twirl through hoops and obstacles. Theo soared above them, as not to interfere.

“Alicorn races,” Odette explained to me. “They’re very popular here.”

Beside the track were dozens of small shops and houses. Each one was painted a different color, creating a rainbow within the village. An apple orchard grew next to the track, and alicorn foals frolicked in the fields beyond. I laughed when I watched them stumble and fall. They were so cute!

“What is that?” I asked. I pointed to a large rainbow over the span of the village, which ended in the center of the town’s square.

“It’s an alicorn illusion— a rainbow slide. Hang on!” Odette cheered.

Theo let out a nicker as his hooves hit the rainbow, and I gasped. Colorful sparkles sprayed everywhere as Theo sat back on his haunches and slid down the slide. Odette hung onto his mane and screamed, while I clung to her. The slide sloped downward like a rollercoaster, and we went sliding at full speed. I went breathless as I watched the colors splash upward like water droplets. I couldn’t believe we were riding an actual rainbow!

When we came to the streets, Theo slid to a stop. We got off his back, and Theo changed into a man. His blond hair was all over the place. “Was that fun?”

“Oh, yes. Again!” Odette cried.

“Later,” I said as I smoothed down my braid. “We’re here on business.”

“Oh, yeah.” Odette flushed. “Where should we start? You know what, let’s ask Theo’s brother. He works in the Alicorn Hall of History. That’ll be a good place.”

“We can try,” Theo said with a sigh. “He’s off today. He’ll be at home.”

“Perfect. Let’s go!” Odette grasped Theo’s hand and began dragging him through the streets.

I walked slowly as I took in all the Copyright 2016 - 2024