The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,59

alicorn village had to offer. Vendors sold jeweled headdresses to put on horns, while children ran with streamers through the streets. A boutique that sold fashionable clothing stood out on the corner, Sorceress robes that were made to be worn on the runway were placed on mannequins in the window. A salon that did the hair of both shifters and sorceresses was placed next to it. Alicorns came out with ribbons in their manes, while sorceresses emerged from the salon with hairstyles so big and outlandish, I had to cover my mouth to avoid laughing.

“The alicorns are known as the artisan Faction,” Odette explained to me. “We love the arts and making stuff.”

“I can see that,” I said as we walked near a cottage that was full of quilts. The shopkeeper outside was hanging one on the line for sale, which was a beautiful design of an alicorn rearing against the sun. When she wiggled her fingers, the stitches on the quilt started to move. I watched in amazement as the sewn alicorn ran against the fabric background of the quilt. I wanted one of those!

We passed a herb store that sold homeopathy items, and materials for alchemy. As we did, I noticed a long line of alicorns eating grain from a wooden trough in front of the store. According to the signs, the grain was bewitched with an enchantment that would help an alicorn’s coat shine.

“Do you really eat that?” I asked Theo as I watched an alicorn chew happily on a bed of hay.

Theo made a face. “Hay really isn’t my favorite.”

“He likes oats better.” Odette giggled and poked Theo on the nose, while he blushed.

“I didn’t know alicorn shifters could digest roughage,” I said.

“Alicorns are mostly vegetarians,” Theo said. “You won’t find any restaurants that serve meat in our village.”

Looking back, I realized I’d never seen Theo eat anything from the cafeteria that wasn’t a vegetable. Odette was more or less the same way— though she had a weak spot for crab legs.

The alicorn village felt so pure and wholesome. There was a lovely golden fountain in the square that bubbled and fizzed with a pink liquid. When I passed it, the liquid smelled sweet. An alicorn stood by it, stirring the fountain with his horn. Sorceresses who walked by took flasks out of their purses and drank from the fountain as the liquid sparkled.

“Here, have some,” Odette said when she saw me looking. She conjured up the illusion of a champagne glass, and dunked it into the fountain.

When she saw me make a face, she said, “It’s sanitary. The magic prevents any viruses or bad stuff from getting in, promise.”

I sure hoped so. I took a sip, and realized the fountain was full of pink champagne. It tasted like apples. My wings came out of their own accord and fluttered as I drank. A slight buzz settled over my body, making me feel frisky. “What is this illusion? It’s good.”

“It’s for luck,” Odette explained. “If bad things are coming your way, the lucky champagne will do what it can to protect you from it— though it doesn’t last long. A few hours, at most.”

I needed the whole damn fountain. “If it’s that lucky, why don’t fae drink from it all the time, for battles and exams and things like that?”

“It’s very addicting,” Theo explained. “And the luck runs out if you drink it every day. The potion is meant to work like that, so you don’t form a habit. Once every now and then is more than enough.”

Two alicorn foals were grazing on the grass outside of a sweet shop, and a delicious smell wafted from within. Theo ducked in for a moment. When he emerged, he was carrying two cupcakes. One was bright pink with rose frosting and sprinkles, while the other was a light blue with a small dusting of powdered sugar on the top. They were nearly too pretty to eat. Theo gave the pink one to Odette, and the blue one to me. “I know these are your favorite,” he said to Odette.

She gasped dramatically. “How did you know?!”

“I pay attention.” He smiled.

Odette went to take a bite, before she frowned. “Igor says I shouldn’t eat things like this.”

Theo’s expression momentarily flared. “Well, Igor’s dumb. Enjoy yourself.”

Odette paused, then she dug in. She took a huge bite of her cupcake and smeared the frosting all over her nose. Theo cleaned it off with his thumb, then sucked the frosting off while Odette Copyright 2016 - 2024